CHAPTER 74: Contact

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Peter was gone.

Panic immediately grabs her and she doubles forward, putting her head between her knees as she struggles to breathe. Bella tries to force herself to calm down, to count to ten, but nothing works and every time she breathes in it feels ragged and shallow. Finally, she digs her nails into the palm of her hands, hoping that the pain will break through the panic. It worked enough just to gasp in air and release it slowly.

SHe knows without question, without having proof, that Peter is no longer in the Phantom Train Station. She and Stiles know that he did not get vaporized on this side of the portal. But they had no idea if Peter survived on the other side. And if he survived, would he forget Stiles and Bella like everyone else had?

Bella had no time to process what was happening before Peter made the decision to leave.

Stiles knows that with Peter gone, they have two choices. They can either stay on the bench, embrace the never ending nothingness of the Wild Hunt or they can try to solve this from the inside.

If Peter made it and he's on the other side working to get them out, then Stiles and Bella will do whatever they can to escape from this hell.

"Come with me." Stiles tells Bella and she followed him

Stiles pushes open the door to the communication room for the first time since he abandoned his initial plan to use the equipment to find a way out.

"Okay, we can do this." Stiles says

"What are we supposed to do?" Bella asked

"WIth any luck, we can use this equipment to try and contact anyone on the outside."

Stiles scans the room, trying to remember everything he tried in the past, where he left off before deciding to go for the main radio controls. He lays down under the console and yanks off the flimsy cover to expose the wires. He assesses the components for a few minutes before pulling a selection of wires down.

The radio in the communication room doesn't have the same set up that Stiles is used to but it's close enough that Stiles feels confident enough as he reattaches the wires. When he is done with the configuration, Stiles scrambles to his feet and grabs the microphone and suddenly feels a lot less sure of himself. It's one thing to be pretty sure that the radio will still work after messing with the wires, it's another to think that it might be able to broadcast from wherever the train station actually is and into the real world.

In the outside world, Scott and Malia were walking through the woods after hearing a loud howl. They stumbled upon a body, which was burned and charred to hell.

"I hear a heartbeat." Malia states

"Who is that?" Scott asked

"I don't know, but I know hsi scent, even through the barbecue." Malia says

"How do you think he got here?" Scott asks "There's no tracks. No fire"

Malia gets closer to examine the body. Peter moves, cashing her to jump in shock

"Oh my god." Malia says "Peter."

Scott moves closer "Who's Peter?"

"Peter Hale. My dad."

Scott then has flashbacks of Peter in his alpha form and fighting against him in Mexico after Kate tried to turn him into a Berserker.

"Peter." Scott gasps "He bit me. How could I forget him?"

"How did I forget him?" Malia says

Peter is trying to speak but he is in too much pain

"He has something." said Malia

Peter was in so much pain to try to move and talk. Scott takes Peter's hand. Black lines start to travel up his arm. Scott is taking Peter's pain. Malia sees this and goes to take Peter's other hand. She starts taking his pain. Peter then falls unconscious and Malia finds a set of keys tightly secured in Peter's hand.

"What is it?" Scott asked

They then realized what the keys might be for.

Back in the communications room in the phantom train station, Stiles prepares to work the radio.

"Will this even work?" Bella asked

"We have to try."

Stiles takes a deep breath and hopes this works.

"This is Stiles Stilinski. If anyone is out there please respond. Over."

The line clicks and hisses and Stiles freezes, waiting to se if he's drawn attention of a Ghost Rider

The nature of the static changes. Before it was more like a feedback from his system and now it sounds like a bad connection.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?"


"Stiles are you there?"

Stiles and Bella are stunned. Stiles nearly drops the mic as relief rushes through him. He wants to cry. He wants to jump around and celebrate. He's afraid of he lets go of the radio the connection will break, so he just grips it harder.

"Scott? Lydia? Is that you?"

"Oh my god, Stiles. We can hear you!" Lydia's voice comes through

"Oh my god, you know me? You remember me?"

"Stiles? Is this you? Is this actually you?" Lydia asks

"Yeah, it's me. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?"

"You said 'remember I love you.'" Lydia replied

"Are you okay?" Scott asked

"Where are you? We're coming to get you." Lydia says before Stiles can answer

"No,no,no You can't. You won't be able to find me." Stiles quickly says. He feels the connection of the radio starting to fray.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asked "Just tell us where you are and we'll come....:"

"Just remember this, Canaan, okay? You have to find Canaan."

"Find Peter." Bella interrupts

"Peter?" Lydia repeats, confused "Peter Hale? Stiles, who is that?"

"Oh, god, you remember. That's good." Stiles quickly said "I'm here with Bella Hale, Peter's daughter."

"We already found Peter." Scott says "He's in bad shape but he had your keys. Why did he have your keys?"

"We're in your jeep, Stiles." Lydia added

"Just talk to Peter. He was here, he knows...." Stiles started to say but the connection faded. Stiles sank to the floor and had no idea if Lydia or Scot even heard that last part of the message.

Air leaves Bella's lungs. Peter's in bad shape but he made it out. All that is going through her mind right now is that Peter's in bad shape. How bad? Is he not healing? Right now, she needs to wait to see if it was safe for her to cross through the portal. She couldn't until she knows if Peter is alive.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now