CHAPTER 89: A Father's Flashback: Calm Before The Storm

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Hours had passed. Things had not changed for Bella. She was still unconscious and the wound was still not healed. Peter was getting anxious. Restless. He stayed up that night just watching over her, afraid to take his eyes off her for even one second. He let his mind wander, reliving the precious memories he ever had with her.

Peter often tries to take her pain, only for it to not work as she probably wasn't feeling any sort of pain.

Derek came back after leaving for a while. He had two cups of coffee in his hands and offered one to Peter. He did not look up at Derek and roughly told him that he did not want it.

Derek didn't argue.

"Any changes?" Derek asked

"If there was, I'd tell you now, would I?." Peter snapped

Derek  just looked down sadly.

Just then, the EKG monitor starts beeping rapidly and Bella starts convulsing. Like having a seizure. Peter rushes to her side as Derek calls out for Melissa.

Melissa rushes inside the room and looked over Bella

"What's happening?!" Peter demanded

"Peter, back up and let me help her!" Melissa told him

Derek grabbed hold of Peter and pulled him back as they watched with worry.

Melissa then injects something into Bella and she stops convulsing and things have settled down. She looked over at Peter "She has a 101 fever. There is a sign of infection.That is most likely what triggered the seizure."

"Seizure?" Peter questioned "How...?"

"It's because she's not healing." Derek jumps in "Bella is as fragile as a human right now, like she was before we knew she was a werewolf."

"I administered antibiotics to help fight off the infection. She is stable for now but if she doesn't start to heal soon, I'm worried about the effect it'll have on her." Melissa quietly said

"So, what? We try burning her?" Derek said  "Fire always triggers the healing process."

Peter looked up at Derek in surprise. "That's not a completely horrible idea, nephew."

"Do what you have to do. I'll make sure no one comes in." Melissa said as she left the room.

Peter looked at Derek "You need to do it."

"What?" Derek said in surprise

"You need to be the one to burn it out. I can't do it."


"Please, Derek."

After hearing Peter plead, Derek agreed to be the one to burn her. Derek takes out a lighter and he stands beside the bed, leaning over his cousin.

"I don't know what will happen once I start  this, Peter." Derek said "Melissa said that Bella had no reaction of any kind when she burned the wolfsbane out earlier."

"Derek, just do it." Peter growled.

Peter took Bella's hand and watched as Derek lifted the bandage off from Bella's head. The signs of infection were now visible to them. Its scent was horrific.

Derek lit the lighter and carefully placed it around the wound, in hope that fire could start the healing process. Within two seconds, Bella's back arched off the bed, making a groaning noise. She wasn't quite conscious but was somewhat conscious enough to feel the pain.

"Peter, hold her down!" Derek demanded

Peter just took her arms and held her down by the shoulders the best he possibly could. Bella continued to groan and Derek continued to burn the area for a few more seconds. She starts to yell. Eventually groans suddenly stopped as Bella fell back into complete unconsciousness. The pain was probably great enough to slip her back unconscious.

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