CHAPTER 8: The Alpha

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It was a Saturday night at the end of January. Bella took it upon herself to go to the local video store down the street from the loft to try and find some movies to watch for the weekend. She was hoping to find something she had not watched before and had no luck so she got a copy of something she's already seen before.

After paying for the movie, she walked out of the store and another customer pulled into the parking lot, two teenagers.

"I am not watching the Notebook again!" Bella heard the boy say before riding away back to the loft on her bike. It was already dark out. Bella had already overstayed her welcome at the care facility visiting her dad by staying until after visiting hours were over.

Just as Bella rode up to the front door of her building, she heard noises behind her. She took a moment and realized that it was some animal growling.

"Oh please let it be a dog." she said to herself

She turned around and was soon met with these bright red eyes looking at her from the distance, snarling. Whatever it was, it was like ten times too big to be a normal dog and it was all black, like a shadow.

Is this the Alpha? Bella began to panic and was too stunned to move or run.

She slid down against the front door of the building and down to the ground as the large creature slowly made its way towards her, like a hunter surrounding its prey. She couldn't look away. Bella began to pant heavily as it got closer and closer.

"Please, leave me alone." Bella whimpered

When it got closer, it did not seem to want to hurt her. The Alpha was staring right at her. Bella couldn't help but look into its dark red eyes.The way the creature was looking at her, it almost seemed as if it knew her. After a moment, the creature suddenly ran off.

"What the hell?" Bella whimpered before getting up and running inside to the loft.

As soon as she got to the loft, she called Derek, only for his phone to go right to voicemail. "Derek, you need to call me back! I think I just met the Alpha!"

Within the hour, Derek arrived at the loft, startling Bella when the door slammed opened.

"Derek!" Bella cried as she ran into his arms.

What had happened had truly frightened her. When Bella wrapped her arms around Derek, it surprised Derek but he wrapped his arms around the girl in comfort.

"What happened?" Derek asked "Are you alright?"

"No ! I'm totally freaked out right now!"

"And you are certain you saw the Alpha?"

Bella nodded "As clear as day."

"Start from the beginning."

Bella explained the encounter with the Alpha to Derek. "And the strange thing is, I don't think it wanted to hurt me."

"What do you mean?" Derek asked

"The way it was staring at me. It looked at me like it knew me. It could've killed me right there and then but it didn't"

Derek remained silent

"Is it possible that the Alpha could be someone we know?"

"I don't know." said Derek "If it is, we'll figure it out."

After that, things remained quiet until the news of an attack over at the High School had shut down the school district for the rest of the week. Bella was thrilled she had time off but she wasn't as thrilled when she got a call from Stiles saying to meet him at his house. Something was wrong and she knew it.

Bella got to Stiles's house and met him and Scott. They were forced to inform her that Derek was attacked by the Alpha the night before and is now missing.

Days had passed. Bella was welcomed back into the Stilinski houser until Derek was found. School was back open on Monday. No one had seen or heard from Derek since the attack. Bella began to worry and was determined to know what had happened to her cousin. After school, instead of going to the care facility, she went back to the old Hale house, hoping to find Derek there.

Bella had not been back to the Hale house since the night of the fire. The place was in ruins now. She hesitated before walking in.

"Derek!" Bella called out as she walked into the house. "Derek!" she called again and dragged his name. When there was no response, tears rushed into her eyes. She was about to leave when she heard someone say her name.

"Bella." the voice was eerie and deep as they pronounced every syllable. Bella's head spun around as she heard it again.

"Derek?: She questioned softly

"B," she heard again. She spun around again and found Derek standing there.

"You're alive!" Bella cried as she ran into Derek's arms.

"I'm alive" he confirmed as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Bella pulled away after a few seconds before slapping him in the face.

"You idiot! I thought you were dead! No calls or nothing to say that you are okay!"

"I know. I'm sorry." He said

"Well, you better be."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now