CHAPTER 34: A Supernatural Secret Revealed

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Almost a week goes by. Bella was at school, being careful to stay away from Sam. But she couldn't avoid watching him stare at her. It was frightening.

But during gym class, something happened. The class was running the trail. Bella was further behind from the rest of the class. She wanted to take her time. Not rush. What she didn't know is that someone was following her. An unknown assailant hits her from behind and Bella blacks out.

When Bella blinks her eyes open, darkness surrounds her. It was nightime. She could feel pain in her hands so when she looks down, her hands and legs are ties around the chair. Belle struggles to get free

"Welcome back to sanity, Bella." Deucalion's voice snaps her head up and she stares at the blind man

"You bastard!" Bella yells

"No need for harsh words, sweetheart."

"What do you want?" Bella growls 'Where am I?"

Her body is full of sweat and her breath is controllable. SHe looks around and sees that she is in an old abandoned building.

"Easy Bella. I can sense your fear, though I can't see but still." Deucalion smirks

Kali comes around and laughs

"What do you want?!" Bella screams

"You see Bella. Derek is an alpha. He has his own pack. My pack needs him but Derek is too stubborn to join the pack."

"That's Derek's problem! What does it have to do with me?"

"Oh, it's not what I want from Derek. It's what I want from you." Deucalion says

"Why? I'm nothing!"

"That's where you are wrong. You are something." Deucalion said as he moved closer.  "You see, I remember when Talia told me that she had a niece who's been born. One born into the werewolf family. But, imagine my surprise when Talia told me that she took something from you."

"What are you talking about?" Bella grunts

"That you, my child, are a werewolf. Talia took it upon herself to suppress those abilities from you."

"You're lying!" Bella screams

"I can prove it." Deucalion smirked "Why Talia would take away a wolf's powers is beyond me. I can show you my memories. It is a gift that only Alphas can do."

Bella shook her head in frustration "I don't believe you. My father..."

"Your father never knew either.." Deucalion said as he put his hand out, revealing his claws. "And now he will."

Bella struggles in the chair "Stay away from me!"

"Don't worry. It'll all be over soon, my dear." Deucalion said as he dug his claws in the back of Bella's head, at the brain stem.

Bella screams in agony as images appear in her head. She arches her back to try and push Deucalion away but to no avail.

Images of her Aunt Talia flooded her mind.

"I have done something. Something that had to be done for the sake of my family" Talia said "I have a niece. Half werewolf, half coyote. The child shouldn't have to burden such incredible  powers. I saw one of two ways to put a stop to it; Suppress her powers or to kill her. I couldn't bring myself to kill a newborn, so I took her powers. Peter doesn't even know. He believes the child was born human. Nevertheless, he is happy to father the child. It must remain that way. The truth must never come out."

Bella screamed as Deucalion retracted his claws. She began to hyperventilate as she tried to process the information

"It's not true!" she cried

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now