CHAPTER 50: A Die Hard Christmas

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Ten days later was Christmas. Not only was Bella's birthday the first time Peter had celebrated it with her in six years, this was also the first time that they had a Christmas together in a long time as well.

While the temperature was in the low fifties in California, the state never had snow, unless you were in Northern California. Surprisingly, it does snow in California in some regions. While Californian weather has a reputation of being always sunny and never too cold, different regions such as the Sierra Nevada Mountain Ranges, Lake Tahoe and Big Bear Lake experience a snow season in winter.

When Bella told Peter she's never seen snow before, Peter made the last minute decision to take a holiday trip with his daughter to Lake Tahoe. It was December 23rd. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve. It wasn't easy but he was able to rent a cabin for a few days for them to stay at. Lake Tahoe was a stunning lake area but even more so when in snow.

It took a five hour road trip to go from Beacon Hills to Lake Tahoe. From driving on a sunny, green grass view, no snow road, to suddenly the view changes when everything is now covered in white.

Bella was in awe when they arrived at their destination. The cabin literally sat on the edge of the lake. The aroma of the wintery woods filled the air. The wind slightly chilled against her skin. The mountains across the lake were a sight to look at. The lake was peaceful. Peter smiled at his daughter's happiness. The look of surprise on her face was truly a blessing.

The two eventually went inside the cabin.

"This is not what I imagined a cabin on the lake would be like." Bella said

The cabin was a two story, wide open space that looked like a millionaire could live there.

"What did you expect, an old fashioned cabin?" Peter asked as he sat his duffle down

"Yup. That's exactly what I thought." Bella admitted

Peter chuckled, "Welcome to the modern world."

Later that night, Peter had the idea of having them shift and run in the snowy woods. Bella was fond of the idea. They then walked to the woods and prepared to shift. Bella was working hard on her shifting when prompted. She was finally able to do it tonight without having to think too hard about it or having to be angry.

"You shifted completely on your own. It's a Christmas miracle." Peter said sarcastically.

Right then, Bella took off at high speed, leaving Peter behind. "Bet you can't catch me, old man!"

Peter laughed as he shifted and ran after her. Bella was fast. But not fast enough. The wind pressed against them even more as they ran, making them feel the cold air.

The two of them ran, getting soaking wet from the snow. The snow splatter against their face, almost as if someone was throwing snowballs at them. Bella ran ahead of Peter until she eventually slipped on ice and began to slide down a icy hill

"Woah!" She cried

Peter eventually followed behind, slipping as well. On the way down, Peter crashed into Bella as they reached the bottom of the hill.

Bella was laughing uncontrollably after that. "That was fun!"

Peter laughed with her. "That was unpleasant."

"No. It was unexpected" Bella told him. "Whew! That was insane."

Eventually, Bella began to shiver.

"I think it's time we head back." Peter said

When Peter and Bella returned to the cabin, Peter put the fireplace on, placing the firewood in to burn.  Bella was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her. She wasn't used to the cold.

Once Peter finished setting the fireplace, they sat down together on the couch together and talked.

Bella was almost asleep when Peter heard her whisper out, "I love you so much dad."

Peter smiled, leaning over and kissing the girl's forehead and whispered, " I love you too, honey." before wrapping his arms around Bella just as she fell asleep in his arms.

When Bella woke the next morning, she couldn't explain it but she felt different. A while ago, she felt like something that she had been missing her whole life was finally hers and she couldn't be any happier. She had a family again with her father.

"Morning kiddo, how did you sleep?" Peter asked

"With my eyes closed, duh!" She responded back with a smile on her face.

Peter rolled his eyes, "You're a goofball. What am I going to do with you?" he asked Bella .

"Oh, I don't know." Bella replies sarcastically as she stretched  "But you love me anyways"

Christmas Eve went by fast. By dinner that night, Peter was attempting toi make Christmas dinner. What's Chtismas without delicious food?

As soon as he opened the kitchen door the smell of food smacked her in the face. "What are you cooking? It smells to die for!" Bella called out.

She walked into the kitchen to find Peter flying around the kitchen. He was stirring and cutting things. Pulling things from burners and the oven.

"I think you  need to teach me how to cook!" Bella told him

"I would love to teach you how to cook. Dinner is almost done, would you set the table?" Peter asked her.

Bella nodded, going towards the cupboards. After the table was set she went upstairs to wash up. When he came back down the table was covered in food. Peter was already sitting at the table.

"How did you get all these things?" Bella asked in awe.

Peter smiled, "A magician never reveals his secrets. Just eat and enjoy!" Peter told her.

He didn't have to tell Bella twice. She grabbed a little bit of everything. Most of the things she never had or heard of but it was still good. After they were done eating, they went to work cleaning up the kitchen.

After that, Peter suggested that the two of them watched a movie. Bella made her way to the living room.

"I'll go and make us some popcorn and you pick a movie, OK?" Peter said.

"Sounds good!" Bella said as she went through the TV that was at the cabin. She grinned as she came upon the most perfect Christmas movie.

Peter came back with the popcorn "Pick anything?"

"I totally did."

"And tell me, what are we watching?" Peter asked

Bella laughs as she pressed play on the movie. The opening scene revealed the title; Die Hard

"You picked Die Hard?" Peter asked

"Why not? It's the perfect Christmas movie."

"It's not even a Christmas movie." Peter told her as he sat down on the couch next to her.

"Yes it is!" Bella argued "It takes place on Christmas Eve and it's an action movie. What could be better than that? Would you rather we'd watch some cheesy holiday movie?"

Peter shrugged

"I'll give you a few reasons that Die Hard is a Christmas movie: It takes place at an office Christmas party. It has Christmas music. There are presents involved. And it snows at the end of the movie. Need I say more?"

Peter was absolutely baffled. "Well, if you say so."

"I do say so. I hate cheesy Christmas movies." Bella pointed at the TV "This is much more fun to watch."

Peter then let out a laugh "Okay, I hear you."

"Yes!" Bella said with glee as she sat back and they watched the movie.

By the end of the movie, Bella had fallen fast asleep on the couch.

Peter carefully picked her up and carried Bella back to her room. He laid her down and lightly kissed her forehead "Merry Christmas, sweetheart."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon