CHAPTER 39: The Run

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A few weeks have passed since the events at the Nemeton and the defeat of Jennifer Blake.

The only thing that had changed was Derek and Cora leaving for god knows how long.

Bella was now officially a werewolf. But she was having trouble controlling her abilities and shifts. She was shifting back and forth in her sleep, even more so when she dreams or has nightmares. Peter could hear Bella having a dream based on her heartbeat rising and goes to wake her up. Peter was not at all surprised to see her shifting.

Peter called Deaton to see what he should do to help Bella. "Is there any way to stop her from flashing back and forth, it's freaking her out."

Deaton chuckles on the other end of the line, "I could imagine it would. You could try Alpha roaring at her. Make her wolf summit to you. I'm not sure if it'll work or not, but it's worth a try."

Peter turns back to Bella, "Honey, I'm going to roar really, really loud and it might be kind of scary. I promise you though that I'm not going to hurt you, so there isn't any reason to be frightened of me, alright?" Peter asks, staring right into Bella's flashing eyes.

Bella nods her head nervously. Peter gives her a small smile before going completely Alpha on him. It startles Bella so bad, she pushes backwards and falls off the end of her bed.

Peter ran down to the floor on his knees beside her.

"I'm so sorry." Peter tells her "Are you alright?"

All at once the flashing stops and she just starts chuckling. "Well, you definitely shocked me."

Peter sighs in relief as he stares at her. Bella is almost awestruck and it warms Peter's heart. Peter then hugged his daughter.

"Did it stop?" Bella asked, referring to her shifting

"It would seem so."

"Thank god." Bella said, tugging on her t-shirt.

"What is it?" Peter asked

"My shirt is so tight." she replied, still tugging on it.

Peter chuckles, "When you finally shift, your body becomes more defined. You are bigger and stronger now."

"Does that mean I need new clothes?"

"Most likely." Peter chuckled

"Perfect." Bella rolled her eyes

After lunch they are heading into town, having to buy Bella new clothes because her other ones are now too small.

Bella seems happy the first couple hours, but her mood gradually changes.

"Bells, why do you seem so down?" Peter finally asks, stopping at a red light.

Belle shrugs, "I don't know. Everything just feels unusual and off to me" she says quietly.

Peter smiles, "Sometimes that happens with new wolves. It'll be alright after your first few full moons."

Belle smiles at him, "What do werewolves usually do on the full moon?" she asks curiously.

"Well, being a Werewolf is considered a gift, but it is a gift that has a cost. Because a Werewolf gains their power from the moon,  are when they are at their strongest. However, this also means that their animal instincts and heightened aggression are at their peak as well, which makes them much more likely to lose control and harm or kill someone by accident. This makes Werewolves vulnerable to exposure and also makes it easier for them to be captured or killed by , which is why  do the majority of their hunting on full moons when Werewolves are most likely to make a mistake. Due to this risk, most werewolves are trained to control themselves on a full moon, typically by using an "anchor" to help them remain connected to their humanity"

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz