CHAPTER 71: The Train Station from Hell

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Days have passed since the defeat of Corinne and the Beast. All was silent in Beacon Hills.

One night, Bella decided to run her old running trail out in the woods. By the time she reached the edge of the trail overlooking Beacon Hills, something was wrong. No, something felt wrong. The sound of a storm was brewing around her, the wind was whipping like crazy, leaves blowing all over. At the sound of lightning cracking, Bella turned around and saw a man in black on a horse. In an instant, Bella shifted. But before she could attack, the man took out a gun and shot at her.

Three months have passed since that night. And no one noticed nor did they remember that Bella Hale was erased from existence. And three months later, the very same happened to one Stiles Stilinski.

When Bella comes to and opens her eyes, she doesn't recognize where she was nor does she know how she got there. She looked around. There were people. People she didn't even know. They were silent and still.

Bella stood up from the seat she was sitting on. She was very confused as she walked towards what looked like a ticket office. She noticed a 'back in 5 minutes' sign and saw that the counter was thick with dust. Like no one had been there for a long time. She then peers over and looks up at the sign up ahead, stating travel destinations.

Her thoughts were interrupted by an announcement on the speakers.

"The following stops have been canceled. Hollatine, Baddon, Bay Burry, Deer Ridge, Red Oak, Trenton, Anderson, King Springs."

Suddenly, all of the people that were sitting down around her got up from their seats and headed toward a tunnel.

Suddenly, wind sweeps through the tunnel bringing with it rustling leaves and the sounds of horseback. The people start to panic and flee, taking refuge behind rows and pillars and the men on horses enter and tie a man to the ground.

The men tear through the station knocking people down as they ride on the horses. The men eventually return through the tunnel and everyone in the station immediately returns to their seats and their formerly docile disposition. Even Bella returned to her seat. That was until she heard voices conversing behind her from across the station. She remained still until she heard a door burst open and out comes Stiles Stilinski. 

Bella was obviously confused. "What the hell?"

Bella watches as Stiles walks down the hall, past a man and pulls a door open, only to find himself back through the other set of doors and in the same hall. He moves again and approaches the door for the third time.

"No, no, no, keep going." said the man with him.

That man was Peter Hale. And Bella didn't know that because she wasn't looking in their direction. Bella was forced to look straight ahead and went back into a daze. Neither Bella nor Peter knew that they were both in the same room.

Stiles turned to look at Peter "I don't see you coming up with anything."

Peter's posture changes and he steps towards Stiles and whispers "Stiles, left shoulder, against the pillar, don't look."

Stiles looks

"I said don't look."


"He's watching us."

Stiles looks again and sees a young man staring at them in interest.

"Yeah, so."

"So, every person in this station is either comatose or catatonic. He seems very interested in keeping an eye on us." Peter said

"Hey!" Stiles called, approaching the man.

The guy quickly averted his eyes and tried to move around to the other side of the pillar. Stiles moves to follow him but the guy stops short when Peter slides in front of him.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now