Chapter 5: Derek's Arrest

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By Monday morning, Derek finally showed up back at the loft before Bella left for school.

"Took you long enough." Bella said, avoiding eye contact with him

"I've been busy."

"Doing what, exactly?"

Derek did not reply.

"Look," said Bella, "if you are gonna leave me alone for days at a time, at least tell me what you are up to."

Derek began to feel annoyed. "Fine. You want to know what I've been up to?"

"Yeah! It helps to know."

"I've been keeping an eye on a new Beta."

"New Beta?"

Derek nodded "A kid named Scott McCall was bitten by the Alpha."

"The Alpha bit a kid?! Why?!"

"My guess? The Alpha wanted a younger Beta. For what reason, I don't know yet.But I do know that this kid has no control over his abilities yet and it is my job to look after him, make sure no one finds out what he is."

Bella sighed "Anything else?"

Derek nodded "Just keep living your life for now on. Leave the rest to me."

"And other than living my life, what else am I supposed to do? I'm a sitting duck here."

"You're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. You are not a werewolf, you can't risk your life in this fight because you are human."

Bella scoffed "Jeez, thanks for the words of confidence, cuz. Really, well done."

"I am trying to look out for you!"

"And you are doing a damn good job at that." Bella said as she grabbed her backpack. "Don't bother to drive me. I'll get to school myself."

Bella barged out of the loft and made her way to school. On the way, she was trying to come up with various ways to get kicked out so she wouldn't have to go back there. But she was stuck. The school day went on like it always does with the constant teasing and taunting. As usual, she goes to the care facility after school and is home by six.

The same routine repeated the next day, Tuesday, only Derek isn't around again.

By Wednesday morning, something changes. Bella woke up to loud knocking on the loft apartment front door. She got out of bed and went to the door. Standing in front of her was a policewoman.

"Are you Bella Luna Hale?" she asked

"Yes, I am. Is everything alright?"

"I am here to take you to the station. You cousin, Derek Hale, was arrested for murder."

Bella's eyes widened "Are you kidding me? Murder? What murder?"

"The sheriff will explain everything to you down at the station."

"Do I have time to throw some clothes on, ma'am?"

The officer nodded "Yes."

Bella kindly allowed the officer to enter the loft "I'll be back in a few minutes. Can I offer you a drink while you wait for me?"

"I am fine. Thank you."

Bella had always had the highest respect for law enforcement. She remembered when Sheriff Stilinski had helped her several years back.

Bella was frantic as she went to her room and hurried herself to get dressed.

Derek was arrested for murder?! Whose's murder? They can't be seriously considering him for Laura's murder.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now