CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

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"Daddy?!," a six year old girl shouted. The man didn't answer as he picked the girl up and started running up the stairs.

Screaming could be heard throughout the house. The little girl held on to her father for dear life as he tried to make a run for an exit. Bright and orange flames surround them.

The little girl began screaming excruciating pain on her left hand as tears started rolling down her cheeks. Her hand was badly burned. Her father took notice and immediately put the flames out as he continued to run and dodge the flames.

When the man stopped in front of the exit. There was a firewall and it was the only thing standing between them and freedom.

"Keep your head down. No matter what, don't let go" He tightened his grip on the small girl by placing his hands over her head and putting her face against his chest before charging at the wall and jumping through it. He screamed in pain as they landed on the ground. He didn't move and his eyes were closed.

"Daddy?"," the girl cried through tears. "Daddy, wake up!"

The girl began shaking her father to try to awaken him. The entire right side of his face was severely burned, The image of the injury had frightened the girl. She continued to shake her father, hoping that he would wake up

The girl looked back at the house and saw it burning in flames, the screams of the people in the house were no longer heard.

I heard people running and shouting, cars roaring as they got closer to the house and The girl moved closer to her father, lifting up his good arm and crawling closer to him still clutching her left hand that has the same markings as her father had whole body on one side.

The girl watched with big eyes as police officers, ambulances and firetrucks crashed through the trees and stopped in front of the house. No one noticed the small girl and her father at first but then the sheriff turned and saw them and he screamed for the medics. When they got closer the girl whimpered and tried to back away, digging herself against her father's side.

All of them stopped in their tracks. The sheriff took small steps forward and bent down to the girl's level. "Hello there. My name's Sheriff Stilinski. What's yours?, "he questioned.

"Bella, " she whispered, not looking up at the sheriff.

"Bella, we are here to help you, "he took another step forward.

"Really?," she questioned as she looked up from under her father's arm.

"Of course, "the Sheriff nodded.

"Can you help daddy?"

"Not me. But they can," he pointed towards the medics and the girl nodded.

He pulled off his jacket and put it over the small girl. He took the girl and carried her to his squad car. He placed the girl on the roof of the car as the Sheriff was talking with some people.

"Belle, was your mommy in the house?, "he questioned and Bella shook her head no.

He sighed in relief and gave a smile at the girl.

"Where is your mommy?, "he questioned.

"Daddy says when I was a baby, my mommy didn't want me."

Sheriff Stilinski looked sad. "What's your daddy's name?, "he questioned.

"Daddy's name is Peter Hale."

"Alright, kiddo. Get in the car," he placed her in the back seat. "I'm gonna take you to the hospital myself.""

"No!" Bella cried. "I want my daddy!"

"It's alright, kiddo. We'll see him at the hospital. I promise.

Sheriff Stilinski personally oversaw that the small five year girl was taken to the hospital. The Sheriff was carrying her inside when he yelled out for help. The poor child was screaming for her father and was in so much pain from the brun on her hand.

Derek and Laura Hale, cousins to Bella, rushed to her side at the hospital. Bella placed herself into Derek's arms and sobbed uncontrollably. The two older Hales were greatly horrified and angry about what had occurred at the Hale house. They grieved for their entire family. Bella suffered second degree burns on her left hand and Peter was fortunate enough to have survived but his injuries have left Peter into a coma, with no idea of when he will wake up. If he wakes up.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now