Chapter 86: Wolves of War

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Melissa manages to quietly hide Bella away in a room as she tends to her. From what she knows of wolfbane, Melissa had to act quickly and the only way you can get rid of it is by burning it out. But with the poison nearing Bella's brain, and without a CT Scan, Melissa is terrified of the risk and did not know if Bella would heal from that let alone survive. She did not know what the effects would be after the fact. What kind of brain damage Bella could have from the burning. The damage alone was already quite extensive.

Melissa ignited the light and nervously waves it over the grazed wound.

"I'm sorry." Melissa says before she starts burning out the wolfsbane

Bella did not react to the burning. She flinched but did not react to the pain, which shocked Melissa. One would expect to have someone screaming from this but that was not the case. Melissa kept going until she's positive that she had burned all of the wolfsbane out.

When Melissa was finished, she dressed the wound and administered a dose of the Nine Herbs to help initiate the healing. It worked for Peter after he came through the portal from the Phantom Train Station, which resulted in him nearly burning to death. The Nine Herbs healed him completely within minutes. Now it was a waiting game.

At the high school, Scott had a plan. Scott, Derek and Malia were trying to hide, to avoid the Anuk-Ite for as long as possible. Scott was looking around to make sure there aren't any hunters around.

"We can't hide. Peter's not going to last like that." Malia says

"Neither will we if that thing finds us, too." Derek said

"I'm not waiting here." Malia says as she takes off ahead running down the stairs

"Malia, hold on!" Scott said. Just as they turn a corner, Monroe shoots directly at Scott and he falls to the ground. Malia moves to help him.

"I'm okay. Don't let her go." Scott tells Malia before she takes off after Monroe.

Derek looks at Scott "No,  you're not okay. It's yellow wolfsbane. It'll kill you."

Derek grabs Scott and helps him to a nearby empty classroom.

"Just help Malia." Scott tells Derek

"I'm not worried about her." Derek said "We need to get rid of this. There's only one way to get rid of wolfsbane. You gotta burn it out."


"You're not gonna be able to do much until you heal." Derek tells him

"If I'm right, we just need Stiles to get here." Scott said

Derek puts a hand on Scott's shoulder "You ready?"

Scott nods and Derek puts the lighter to his wound, making him yell out in pain.

On another part of the school, Lydia, Stiles, Jackson and Ethan arrive and they go off in separate directions.

Jackson goes into the locker room with his eyes closed, searching for Ethan.

"Ethan?" Jackson whispered

"I'm here." said the voice of Ethan

"Where's Lydia?"

"I don't know. I closed my eyes and I couldn't see which way she went."

"Where are you?" Jackson asked

"Right in front of you."

Jackson opens his eyes and is instantly turned to stone when the Anuk-Ite looks at him, The Anuk -Ite walks out of the locker room, walking past Ethan, who is turned to stone as well.

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