CHAPTER: 87: The Father's Flashback: Bella's Birth

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Melissa was tending to Bella. She pulled back the bandage to observe the wound. The graze barely healed.

Peter ran into the hospital, running down every hallway on every floor to find her. Peter eventually runs into Liam and the others.

"Where is she?!" Peter demanded

Melissa stepped out of the room where Bella was in. She stood there quietly as she gestured to Peter towards the room. Peter rushed inside and immediately stopped upon see his daughter, lying in that hospital bed.

She was so battered. Bruised. The bandage wrapped around her head was hard to ignore. Peter rushed to her side, sitting down on the side of the bed. He takes her hand in his, taking away as much pain as he can.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm right here." Peter whispered and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Daddy's here."

Peter looked at her with tears rolling down his face. Melissa stood watch, looking a little uncomfortable and concerned. She was surprised to see that the big bad wolf wasn't so bad. He had a heart. Proof that he was capable of loving someone other than himself.

Melissa awkwardly placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I burned out the wolfsbane and administered a dose of the Nine Herbs." Melissa tells him "But that was a few hours ago. Nothing has changed since. The wound barely healed."

Peter looked up at Melissa, as if to say thank you. But he didn't. Instead he looked back at Bella and carefully unwrapped the bandage around her head so he can access the damage himself. When the wound was revealed, Peter held in a deep breath, trying to contain himself. While there was no sign of there still being wolfsbane, the wound itself was so noticeable. Peter could sense that it was healing very slowly. Too slow. He did not know why. Bella was still unconscious, almost comatosed.

"Why isn't she healing?" he whispered

"Maybe it's her body's way of saying it needs more time to heal." Melissa suggested "Is it common with head wounds like this?"

"Surviving a wolfsbane bullet to the head is unheard of." Peter said "No werewolf has been known to survive it. I...I can't even believe she's only gotten grazed. But at the same time, it was slowly killing her. She didn't deserve this. She should not have gone through this. I should have been there. I shouldn't have left her alone!"

Melissa nods.

Peter could feel Melissa's uneasiness and concern.

"It's not your fault, Peter." Melissa tells him "Don't blame yourself for all of this."

Peter didn't respond.

Melissa leaves the room, giving Peter some privacy.

Peter wraps his hands around his daughter's hands.

"What's going on inside your head, little one?" Peter whispered

Peter remembers the night Bella was born. Parts of it was hazy as he did not remember her mother but he remembers it well


It had been a long night. But the hardest part was about to come. Talia looked at her brother. He was sitting on the ground, holding a little baby in his arms. It was so strange to see him like this. Her always rebellious brother, so peaceful looking. Like the man who sees a sunrise for the first time.

Talia was looking like this at each of her children when they were born. But her poor niece wasn't so lucky. The Desert wolf or Corrine wasn't the best option for a mother. Talia had already sent off one child that came from Corrine and Peter. She couldn't do it again.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now