CHAPTER 31: Deucalion

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The rest of the night was chaotic. Boyd and the girl escaped from the Vault. It turns out that the girl in the vault was Cora Hale, Derek's little sister. Everyone thought that Cora died in the fire six years ago. Erica was confirmed dead.

Scott, Derek, Isaac and Chris Argent worked together to contain Boyd and Cora at the high school. Chris had set up ultrasonic emitters to lure them to the school.

Derek managed to trap Cora and Boyd in the basement of the school, unaware that a teacher was trapped down there with them. As the sun came up, Derek was able to stop Boyd and Cora all on his own. But a teacher who was in the basement who witnessed everything.

On the other hand, Lydia found a body at the pool and there were 2 other bodies that were found, including someone that Stiles knew. Stiles made the connection that all three victims were virgins with the same injuries that killed them. Stiles called it the 'threefold death'.

The killings weren't random. They were human sacrifices.

Nearly two weeks have passed. The Alpha's have remained quiet.

One day after school, Bella decided to head to Derek's loft to see Cora. She wanted to make an effort to get to know her lost cousin. She got there swiftly and jogged up the many flights of stairs before stopping outside the loft. Bella easily opened it and strode through the door to see Derek and Cora fighting.

"Bella!" Cora explained as she hurled herself at Bella

"Hey Cora" Bella said as she hugged her cousin back

"Where have you been?" Cora asked

"Been at school, going home then back to school. Same routine daily. Nothing too exciting. Just trying to play it safe."

Suddenly, Derek's alarm goes off.

"What's that?" Cora asked

"Trouble." Derek stated

The door opened and a shifted Alpha made its way inside.

"It's Ennis!" cried Cora "get back"

Cora pushed Bella off to the side and ran at the large, bald man, who then grabbed Cora by the throat and slammed her into the floor. Derek growled at him.

"Ready for a rematch?" Ennis growled as a woman walked in

The woman snarled as Derek attacked. He easily evades the attack and stands his ground. The woman broke a piece of pipe off from the ceiling and fought with Derek before shoving the pipe through his back.

"Derek!" Bella screamed

Cora gasped from her spot on the floor as Ennis held her down. Belle stayed where she was, frozen in the spot.

"Everybody done?" a man comes in. He had glasses and a walking cane "Cause just listening to that was exhausting. So let's chat." The man said as he walked over to Drek and crouched in front of him. He then grabs a chair and sits in front of Derek's face.

"Sorry about this, Derek" the man says "I asked Kali to be gentle, but..."

"This is me being gentle" The woman named Kali stated as she twists the pipe in Derek's back

"Let them go" Derek said as groans in pain

The blind man motions for Cora to be released from Ennis' grasp and rushed to Bella's side.

"Who's that?" Bella whispered to her cousin

'It's Deucalion." Cora replied

'See? We're not unreasonable." said the man

"What do you want? You want to kill me?" Derek asks

"You really think I'm that boring?" Deucalion asked "Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle. I'm a man with far more vision than a simple murder. In fact, I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have."

Deucalion's eyes then glowed red. Kali then continues to twist the pipe

"You're killing him!" Cora yells

"Not yet, little sister." Kali said "But I could. Who knows if it's five minutes or five hours before it's too late to take this thing out? But just to be on the safe side, Duke, you might want to get to the point."

"Now you see the one problem with being in an alpha pack" Deucalion said "Everybody wants to make the decisions. Me? I'm more about discovering new talents. Like you."

"Not interested" Said Derek

"But you haven't even heard my pitch."

"You want me to kill my own pack."

"No. " said Deucalion "I want you to kill one of them. Do that and I won't have to ask you to kill the others. You'll do it on your own. I did it. Ennis did. Kali did. Tell him what it's like, Kali, to kill one of your own."

"Mmmmm....Liberating" Kali said

"Listen to her Derek. Do you really want to stay beholden to a couple of maladjusted teenagers bound to become a liability? " Deucalion asked, "And believe me, they will become a liability. In fact, I have a feeling one of them is getting himself into trouble right now."

Deucalion sits up from his chair "See, the reason I'm always invested in new talent is simple. We all know a pack is strongest due to its individual parts. The stronger the individual parts, the greater the whole. When I lost my sight, one of my betas assumed I wasn't fit for my role anymore. He tried to take it from me. Killing him taught me something about Alphas I didn't know they could do. His power was added to mine. I became stronger, faster, more powerful than I'd ever been. I tested this new ability to subsume the power of your own by killing another one. In fact, I killed them all. I took the individual parts and became a greater individual whole." Deucalion explained before touching Derek's face

"You're right Kali. He does look like his mother." Deucalion stated as he walked towards Bella. She freezes as he touches her face gently before retracting his hand and walking away.

"And she looks like her father." Deucalion promised as he walked towards the window. "You'll get to know me, like they did."

"I know you. I know what you're. You're a fanatic " Derek hissed

"Know me? You've never seen anything like me. I am the Alpha of Alphas. I am the apex of ape predators. I am death, destroyer of worlds! I am the demon wolf!" Deucalion yelled in a demonic voice.

Bella flinched and hid behind Cora in fear

"Hate when that happens" Deucalion said after sunglasses cracked

Kali pulled the pipe out of Derek, who fell to the floor. Cora rushed to his side while Bella stayed where she was at. Just as the Alpha's were leaving, Deucalion turns towards Bella,

"Now why didn't you use your abilities to fight Kali and Ennis?" he asked

Bella scrunched her face in confusion "I'm human."

"Interesting." Deucalion said as he and the others walked out.

Bella rushed towards Derek and Cora. Cora took Bella's hand "Go home. Right now."

Bella nods as she runs out of the loft. The question that left her wondering is: Why did Deucalion ask about Bella's wolf abilities as if she had them?

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