CHAPTER 96: Illuminate

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The whole finding out that she had golden eyes really freaked Bella out. Now she had another thing to worry about. She doesn't even know what she is right now. Peter and Bella are sitting in the living room and Bella is shaking from fear.

"What's wrong with me, dad?" Bella looked up at Peter, eyes filled with tears.

"You listen to me." Peter said, taking her hands "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. None at all!"

"If there's nothing wrong with me, then why are my eyes gold?!"

Peter just looked at her.

Bella glared at him, with her eyebrow cocked "You know something."

Peter shook his head "No, I don't."

But Bella saw right through him.

"Dad...Please tell me what it is you know." she begged

She was trying her best to stay calm in the situation but her high emotions weren't helping. Peter looks down at her, not sure what to say. He shakes his head and does his hardest to control his frustrations. He was still very angry at what Gerard did to her. But he couldn't focus on that now that Gerard was gone. He needed to focus on Bella. Her golden orbs were a sight to behold. Something that she should've had once she started to transform but instead got steel blue. With her eyes now gold, Peter had questions that were yet to be answered. Derek went through something similar a while back but still got his power back, only his eyes are now blue.

Peter doesn't know what to say. One one hand he knows that he should just tell his daughter the truth. On the other hand, he didn't want to frighten her. Bella's been through so much. If she knows that her gold eyes might result in her becoming a beta or if it means she is losing her power, it could take tremendous weight off his shoulders but at the same time, he was scared for her. Especially if it meant that she might lose her power. But what if she was a beta? A beta without an alpha. A lone wolf. Like him. If anything, that is better than losing her abilities.

Peter slowly eased the truth. Bella's reaction was to be expected. She was emotionally in shock. Her hands were trembling.

Peter placed a hand on her shoulder "You okay?"

"Oh yeah, sure. I just found out that the reason I now have gold eyes is because I may or may not be losing my power or I might be a beta. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Bella replied sarcastically as she fought back tears.

"How do we even find out?" Bella asked, gritting through her teeth. "It's not like we know an Alpha."

Peter raised his eyebrow at her "Well....maybe one."

"Ugh, no!" Bella groaned "I will not be a Beta to Scott McCall!"

"What choice do we have? There's no other alphas around!"

"It's not like I need an alpha anyways! You sure don't!" Bella argued

Peter glared at her "How else do you suggest that we test to see if you aren't losing your power or not?"

"Cut me, I'll bleed and heal, you know that." Bella crossed her arms.

Bella was right. She doesn't need an Alpha. But she sure as hell needs Scott's help to see if she still has her power. What happens next is unknown. If she chooses to remain an Omega, that's totally up to her. But right now, they need Scott for this.

"Dad...I really don't want anything to do with Scott right now." Bella looked at Peter "Can we please wait?"

"The longer we wait, the more you have the chance of losing your power. It's better we get this over with now. Trust me, kiddo. You don't want to wait."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now