CHAPTER 75: Peter Tries to Help Malia

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In the real world, Malia goes to the hospital to see Peter. She walks up to the front desk and asks Melissa McCall and she pulls out Peter's file.

"He has third degree burns over 90% of his body. I should be telling you to say your goodbyes." Melissa tells her

"It's Peter. I don't need to say goodbye. I need you to fix him so we can find out what he knows about the wild hunt." Malia said

"Remember who we're dealing with. Your father is a ruthless con man who always had a devious plan to hurt everyone around him. What happens when he gets up out of that bed? You got a plan of your own?"

"I have a plan. I don't know if it's devious."

"At least it's a plan." Melissa said as she motioned Malia to follow her.

They walk down the hallway into a room where Peter is laying in. They stand before the curtain where Peter is on the other side.

"I can't promise you this will work." Melissa said

"You said he was dying anyway. What does he have to lose?" Malia asked

"I can hear you." said the voice of Peter on the other side of the curtain "I'm not dead yet."

Melissa and Malia walk in and stand beside Peter

"Your daughter asked me to treat you." Melissa said

Peter peers over towards Malia. "Oh, it's you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Malia asked Peter

"It wasn't you I was hoping to see."

"And who else were you expecting? You don't have anyone else" Malia said angrily

Peter rolled his eyes, "Of course you don't remember her."


"Bella. You sister."

Malia then pauses as she had flashbacks of moments where she was with a young girl. Bella. Her sister.

"Oh my god, I have a sister." Malia realizes.

"Right now, she's stuck in the Wild Hunt with Stiles. I need to get her out!"

"Calm down, Peter." Melissa said "Malia told me to treat you."

"In exchange for what?" Peter asked

"Told you you needed a plan." Melissa said to Malia

"She helps you, you help me." Malia told Peter

"That's a bit open ended. What if I don't agree to your conditions?" Peter asked

"I leave you for dead." Melissa said to Peter

"So, what exactly do you know about our kind of medicine?" Peter asks and Melissa pulls out a huge needle.

"I know about the nine herbs." Melissa said as she jammed the needle into Peter's chest and inserted the herbs. Peter starts groaning in pain and shaking. Green foam was coming out of his mouth as Melissa and Malia watched.

"You think it's working?" Malia asked

"Should be. Looks painful enough."

After a few minutes, Peter was completely healed and Melissa gave him clean clothes to put on. Malia and Meliossa helped him out of the room and they walked to the elevator.

"You know, we never did have that second date." Peter said to Melissa.

Melissa pushed his arm off from around her and he went falling to the ground.

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