CHAPTER 70: Mother vs Daughters

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It was safe to say that Bella was not thrilled to see Scott. But she was not in the position to attack him. Bella was plotting to get her revenge on Scott for what he did to her and Peter. Now was not the time for it. Right now, there was something larger at play. Now only was the Desert Wolf running around Beacon Hills. There's something else running around as well. It seems like a lot has happened since Bella and Deaton were taken hostage by Corinne. A beast is running wrong wreaking havoc in town.  Looks like she had a lot of catching up to do.

"But, before any of you boys deal with that," said Deaton, " there is the more immediate problem. I did some digging and it seems that Dr. Fenris may indeed be the new alias for our old friend Dr. Valack. He's taken full authority of the Eichen House board."

"How could he have done that?" Scott asked him. "He was locked up when we went to see him."

"I'm afraid Valack has his ways. It also helps that he knows Eichen quite intimately, as he was once its Chief Medical Officer."

"Valack ran Eichen House?" Stiles resisted the urge to shudder. "Figures that it takes a real nut to run that nut house."

"That's not even the worst of it." Deaton moved over to a cabinet and pulled out a file. "What I'm about to show you, it is not supposed to exist." Scott and Stiles moved closer to the table as Deaton then looked over to them.

He then went and opened the file as he went and placed a small photo out in front of them. It was of a dead wendigo. Scott and Stiles had their gaze on the bloody hole that was in its temple. It was followed by a few more photos of other supernaturals, each one sporting holes in the side of their foreheads. "This is the only surviving evidence of Dr. Valack's time as Eichen House's chief medical officer. To call it human experimentation would be charitable."

"Trepanation," Stiles muttered almost to himself. "Yeah, Malia and I found all these papers back in Eichen House when we broke into their file room."

"Those files were just from his earlier work on normal humans. Used them to perfect his techniques as he...took it to the next level. Supernatural humans and creatures."

Scott picked up Deaton's last photo to see that it was a woman grasping at her temples, screaming. He showed it to Stiles and his eyes widened at the sight of it.

"Is that-"

"A Banshee," Deaton said, answering Scott's unfinished question. "She died screaming."

Scott blinked as he suddenly imagined Lydia being the girl in the photo instead and dropped the photo.

Stiles pushed down the bile that wanted to come up through his throat. "Valack drilled holes in their heads. All of them?" he asked in a scratchy voice.

"That was the experimentation part. He did it to werewolves, banshees, and wendigos. Any creature he could get his hands on. Valack found that trepanation would initially heighten their powers, but to levels that couldn't be contained."

Scott could see where this was heading. "So he wants to make Lydia more powerful?"

"Yeah, except she's going to end up like them," Stiles said, giving the photos all another look.

"Worse, actually. Lydia's abilities were already pretty exceptional to begin with. Putting a hole in her head, will be like causing a leak in a nuclear reactor. She'll hear everything. Every death, every dying scream. All at once."

That made all of their hearts run cold

"That's going to kill her," Scott gasped out.

"Not only that. Her own dying scream...could be so powerful that it would kill everyone around her as well."

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