CHAPTER 54: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth

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Bella was pacing back and forth. She's just found out that not only is she a werewolf but is also a Clairvoyance. According to Derek, werewolves having the gift of sight are incredibly rare. None have been recorded in decades.

"You can see into the future, although what you see is based on decisions being made" Derek explained "You must wait for a decision to be firmly rooted in the mind, or acted upon, before you can see the end result."

"What, like that character in Twilight?" Bella asked

"What the hell is Twilight?" Peter asked

"Never mind that. How does being a Clairvoyance even work?" Bella asked Derek

"What was the first thing you remember seeing before realizing it was to happen?"Derek asked

Bella thought back for a moment before remembering the first time she predicted something. "My dad's resurrection."

"What?" Derek said in confusion

"Oh, yeah. I remember you telling me about that." Peter stated as he crossed his arms

"You knew?" Derek asked

"Not that she is a Clairvoyance per se." Peter said "Bella mentioned that she dreamt of my resurrection and described it to me in great detail, exactly the way it happened. You, Lydia and me. That was the first time she's mentioned it. Over time, Bella mentioned a few others such as the werecoyote, which in the end turned out to be Malia."

"You dreamt about Malia?" Derek asked as he turned towards Bella

"No, I had a dream that I could fly. Yes, I dreamt about a werecoyote." Bella replied sarcastically "I didn't know it was Malia until after the event had happened."

"Have there been any others?" Derek asked in annoyance

"If there was, maybe I would tell you." Bella snapped back

Peter chuckled at his daughter's remark

"So not only do I have to worry about being a werewolf, I have to worry about being a psychic." Bella said, crossing her arms

"There's nothing to worry about, sweetheart." Peter assures her "While it is rare for werewolves to inhabit other abilities, you should be grateful to have gotten the gift of sight."

"True." Bella stated "But in case you forgot, I only have them when I sleep. Never dreamt or had a vision or sorts while I was awake. If I have this gift of sight, why doesn't it occur more frequently? Why wait until I am asleep to predict the future?"

"I don't know." said Derek "But we can look into it. It'll take time, like how you had to learn to take control of your wolf abilities with time. There might be things that you can learn that could trigger it."

"Oh yay, more school." Belle said, dramatically.

Peter just stared at his daughter. "That was a bit dramatic, wasn't it?"

"Well, I get my dramatic behavior from you." Bella responded

Peter laughed as he nodded in agreement, and a smirk graced his features.

Derek just shook his head "You two are crazy."

"Thanks, Derek." Bella smirked

"It wasn't a compliment." Derek said

"Doesn't make it any less true."

"God, she really is your kid." Derek rolled his eyes

"Isn't she though?" Peter responded proudly with a smile as he wrapped an arm around Bella's shoulders.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now