CHAPTER 82: The True Alpha Comes Calling

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Back in Beacon Hills, all hell's breaking loose. A familiar enemy has returned and this time with a whole army of hunters behind him, tracking down and killing every supernatural being in existence. Gerard Argent will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

But there was something else. A new dark supernatural being was roaming Beacon Hills. The Anuk-Ite. Anuk-Ite is a common myth among Native American tribes, particularly the Sioux. It is known by many different names but all of them tell a tale of a creature with two faces that delights in tormenting people.

After it escapes the Wild Hunt, the Anuk-Ite entity appears to be invisible except when it infects people and animals via burrowing spiders. The Anuk-Ite sought out one human and one supernatural creature to be its two halves believing it would make itself stronger by adding a werewolf to its makeup.

After a deadly shooting at Scott McCall's house that left Melissa McCall, Rafael McCall, Lydia and Mason were shot and in the hospital. Scott and his pack were targeted and now the people they care about nearly died. The Alpha says he's done with peace summits, running or half measures. He says they will take on  and all the . He says they'll need an army.

Scott had called Deucalion for help. Deucalion laments what his war with the hunters turned him into and says he's not afraid to lose his eyes again, but he is afraid to lose his soul. He says while he won't fight, he will offer guidance. His first piece of advice is that they lower their standards for allies.

That's when Scott told Malia to call Peter.

"Why?" Malia asked

"We need all the help we can get." Scott said

Malia rolled her eyes as she took her phone out. She takes a deep breath and feels her heart beating fast.

A few days ago, Peter and Bella ended up back at their apartment back in Beacon Hills. They didn't stay away for long but lasted longer than expected. Peter was sitting on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table and a book in his hands, but he shuts the book and answers his phone. He was confused to see Malia was calling him.

"Malia?" Peter answers

"Scott needs your help." Malia says

"That's why you called?" Peter asks somewhat disappointedly.

"I called because he asked me to. There was a shooting at his house and Melissa isn't the only one in the hospital."

There was an awkward silence between them. Peter looked over towards Bella who overheard the conversation. She was less than pleased.

"So, can you meet up with us?" Malia asked

Peter looked at Bella as if he were asking for her permission.

Bella shrugged "Fine."

Peter and Bella began to leave the apartment, only to be met by a man with a gun pointed at them.

"Get down!" Peter yelled at Bella

Bella dropped to the ground and crawled to cover while Peter leapt at the man, rendering him unconscious. Peter took the man's gun, emptying it out.

"What the hell was that?!" Bella cried out as she came out from hiding.

Peter spun around "Are you alright?"

"Fine! But who the hell is this?"

Peter shrugged "I have a feeling that this is why the true alpha came calling."

Peter texted Malia telling her to have her and Scott meet him at the now empty Eichen House. Peter then grabbed the unconscious man and loaded him in the trunk of his car before he and Bella got back in the car and made their way to Eichen. When they arrived, Peter put the man in one of the empty cells as Bella's memories of her time here came flooding back. She hated this place.

"Why did he want to meet us here?" Scott asked Malia

"Why did he agree to meet at all?" Malia says

"Curiosity." Peter said, as he came walking over to Scott and Malia with Bella behind him  "Mostly."

"We need your help." said Scott

"With what? Another suicide mission? Not interested." Peter says as he looks over towards Malia "Or do you need my help?"

"I'm here for moral support." Malia said

"For him or me?" Peter asked

"You'd have to have morals."

"Oh he has morals, Malia." said Bella "You are just blind to see it."

Malia sneers at Bella

"You helped us fight the Ghost Riders." Scott said to Peter

"Self preservation." Peter says

"But we couldn't have won without you. You're stronger than us. You were the real reason the Wild Hunt stopped."

"A solid effort. You don't need to appeal to my ego. It's quite healthy. You're gonna need to work a lot harder if you want my help."

"What do you want?" Scott asked

"Everything is pretty much the way I want it. My penthouse is filled with mid-century furniture. My passport has more stamps than the post office. And did you see the car parked out front? That is a Shelby 1000 Cobra. There are only one hundred in the entire world and I have two. Two."

"But Gerard has an army." Scott says "And every one of them wants you dead."

"You think that means that I'm going to enlist in  your little endeavor? Because you're going to beat Gerard? You're not going to beat him, Scott. Let me tell you why." Peter says and he flips a light switch. Everyone turns to see a hunter locked in a cell. "When I found him, that was pointed in our face." Peter says pointing to the gun in the hunter's hand. "That is a G36, which fires 750 rounds per minute. And it's empty. For now."

Peter slides the magazine for the gun through the slot of the cell

"Peter, wait..." said Scott

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Malia asked

"That homicidal guinea pig is going to kill all of us if you don't do something about it. And I don't feel like dying today" Peter says as he plus his ears as the hunter starts firing the gun.

Scott, Malia and Bella knelt down to the ground to avoid the shots, only for the bullets to not go through the glass.

"There's something wrong with him." Scott says

"Yes. He's shooting at us. If you can't kill him, how do you expect to win this war?" Peter asked.

The firing suddenly stops and Peter turns to the hunter

"Don't worry, it's just jammed. It tends to happen with automatic weapons that haven't been serviced regularly. Just slide the bolt back." Peter tells him and he plugs his ears again

"Thanks." the hunter said before firing again

"We're not going to hurt you!" Scott says to the hunter

"He can't be reasoned with, Scott. He's not shooting at us just because he's afraid. He's trying to kill us because he hates us." Peter says

Eventually, the hunter fires enough to make the glass weak and jumps through the glass and he starts fighting with Scott and Malia

"Why are you doing this?" Scott asked

"Because she wants you dead!" the hunter says

"See? Blind obedience." Peter says as Scott knocks the hunter out. "Hmm. He never gave up. I would fight him. I like him. That's how you win a war."

"You were never going to help us, weren't you?" Malia asked

"One day, you'll learn that you can't save everyone." Peter says

"And you can't kill everyone either, Peter." said Scott "Look, you can fight with us or fight alone. But one way or another, you'll end up fighting."

"I'm guessing it's going to be alone." Malia says

"You've made it this far without getting your hands dirty,  Scott." said Peter "If you don't start killing, you better find someone who will." Peter says as he places a hand on Bella's shoulder and the two of them starts to walk away

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