CHAPTER 3: Derek's Return

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Bella woke up the next morning to find herself completely alone in the loft, with Laura nowhere in sight, which was unusual for her. Laura is always the first one up in the mornings and always makes a fancy breakfast before the school day.

Bella had no choice but to skip breakfast and reluctantly rode her bike all the way to Beacon Hills Junior High School. When she left, Bella noticed that Laura's car wasn't parked on the street in the usual spot but continued riding to school.

Bella dreaded the school days in which she called her own personal hell. Ever since she started going to school as a small child, the other children stayed away from her due to her burned hand and began to make fun of her for no reason at all. The taunting continued for years, which made going to school the worst part of her life.

When she made her ways through the school hallways to get to her locker, word spread like wildfire in the halls.

"Did you hear there was a dead body in the woods last night?"

"Cops are all over the place"

"Someone said something about an animal attack."

Bella froze and was anxious to know if Laura was alright. She pulled out her cell phone and tried to call Laura, only to have it go right to voicemail.  Bella would continue to try calling her cousin throughout the day in between classes and lunch.

On her way to the start of her afternoon classes, Bella was shoved right into the lockers, to which she was knocked down.

"Oooh, I am so sorry, Hale." mocked a girl by the name of Jessica James, one of Bella's school bullies. "Did that hurt?"

Using humor as her self defense, Bella looked up at the blonde haired bully. "Not as bad as it will hurt when I punch your witch of a face."

Jessica's eyes widened "I'm sorry, what did you say to me?"

"You heard me, witch."

Jessica giggled "Witch? That's the best you can come up with? You are so retarded."

Bella smirked "Thanks. So are you."

Bella gave her the finger.

That angered Jessica and she grabbed ahold of Bella's arm and slapped her square across the face, before throwing Bella down and leaving with her posse.  Bella sighed as she spat out blood from her mouth. Bella then made her way to her next class and kept quiet the rest of the day. When school ended, she attempted to call Laura again, still getting her voicemail. Bella had no choice but to ride her bike home again.

On her way home, she noticed a heavy police presence on the streets, which made her wonder what was happening. When Bella got home, she rushed right into the loft, where she was greeted by a strange but familiar face.

"Hello Bella" greeted Derek.

"Derek!" she cried "What are you doing here? Nice of you to visit after six years. Does Laura know you are here?"

Derek didn't say anything. He showed a sad expression. Bella stood still as she remembered that a body was found earlier.

"Derek, where is Laura?"

"Laura's dead."

Bella's eyes widened as tears fell from her face. "No she's not!"

"I'm sorry." Derek solemnly said.

"You are lying!" Bella cried as she marched towards Derek, who grabbed ahold of her, to try and console the girl. He wrapped his arms around her as she tried to escape his grasp. Bella sobbed uncontrollably in Derek's arms as she tried to accept the news of Laura's death.

Once things calmed down, Derek explained why he was back in town. "Laura called me. She said that a deer was found in Beacon Hills that had a spiral carved into it,"

"What spiral?" Bella asked, looking down at her hands as she and Derek sat down at the table.

"The spiral that is the symbol of revenge in Werewolf culture."

"Revenge? On what?"

"I am not sure yet. Laura reached out to me a few days ago. She had sent me regular updates. When I had not heard from Laura in two days, I knew something was wrong. I arrived last night to find that the police had found a body. Laura's body."

Bella tried to hold back her tears as she listened to Derek.

"She was found close to our old house, the Hale house."

"What was she doing there?"

"I don't know. But that's not the worst of it." Derek continued

"What could possibly be worse?"

"With Laura getting killed, there's now a new Alpha in town."

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