CHAPTER 47: Another Enemy Defeated

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Peter and Bella drove back to the apartment mostly in silence. Bella was worried and scared. Peter could sense the change in emotion. They got back to the apartment and Bella stretched out on the couch. She was completely overwhelmed. She was so exhausted that she fell asleep on the couch.

Bella woke up covered in sweat. She looked around, the apartment seemed quiet. It was dark. She was still on the couch. Peter was nowhere in sight. Bella sat up and rubbed her eyes and realized that her claws were out when she scratched her eyelid.

"Ow!" she cried

"Are you alright?" Peter asked as he came rushing into the room.

"Must've unleashed my claws in my sleep" Bella said, clutching her eye, which was now bleeding.

Peter walked over and sat down beside her to look at the scratch "It doesn't look too bad. It's already healing."

"Good." Bella sighed

"I could hear your heartbeat rising from my room" Peter tells her "Are you feeling alright?"

Bella nods as she takes a deep breath. "Another dream."

Peter takes her hand."Do you remember it?"

"Uh, no, I don't" Bella said confusedly. She almost always remembers her dreams. She looked directly at Peter. "Not this time."

Peter never broke his eye contact. His expression looked concerned. He knew that there was nothing he could say or do that would make her feel better. Peter let go of her hand and pulled his daughter into a hug. Bella was struggling so much and he did not know how to fix it. From all the trauma she endured, the nightmares, finding out she was a werewolf after all; Bella was falling apart at the seams. She was so fragile right now and Peter was determined to protect her at all cost.

"Come on, pup." said Peter "Let's get you back to bed."

As soon as they stood up from the couch and started walking to the bedrooms, Bella stopped in her tracks. She heard screaming in the distance. Lydia's screams.

"Was that Lydia?" Bella asked

"I don't know." Peter replied "Sounded like it."

"Somethings wrong." Bella said "

"It is not our fight. It is up to Scott and his pack."

"I feel like I need to do something." Bella tells him "I mean, I was right there when fake Stiles took her. I could've done something then."

"It's not your job to go looking for her."

"I should be out there!"

"But you are not. It would kill me if I let you fight totally unprepared. You are only twelve years old. You aren't ready."

Bella knew this. She would have gone totally unprepared. Look at what happend with Barrow.  Look at what happend with Gerard. She nearly died by their hands within a matter of months.

"I know I'm not ready." Bella eventually said "But I have to be at some point."

"I know." Peter said "And I will help you. It just takes time."

Bella tried to go back to bed but she couldn't. She could not help but feel like something was wrong. She spent the night pacing back and forth, checking her phone for news. By morning, Bella was staring out the window. Her eyes were stunned from staying awake for so long. Peter had asked Bella to try and sleep but she could not manage. Bella purposely bumped her head against the window as she shut her eyes. She let out a heavy sigh before rubbing her eyes.

Belle then felt hands lightly squeezing her shoulders, making her jump. She turned around and saw Peter standing in front of her.

"Did you sleep at all?" Peter asked

Bella shook her head no.

"Why not?"

"I just have this feeling of dread that I can't shake. Like something happened last night."

Peter nods "I assure you, if something did happen, I would tell you."

Later that morning, the news broke out that Allison had died the night before. She was killed by an Oni. Bella was upset of course. She knew Allison. Bella was right to be worried about Scott's pack. She knew something was wrong and she couldn't help them.

So much had happened in the next 24 hours. Oni attacked the Beacon Hills Sheriff Station. The nogitsune attacks the hospital. The Oni appears at the Animal Clinic and marked Deaton.

Derek and the twins fight the Oni outside the high school. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira fight them in an illusion inside the school, which Stiles realizes isn't real. Chris and Isaac show up with Allison's silver arrowheads, which was the answer on how to kill the Oni.

In the end, the nogitsune dies when Scott bites him and Kira stabs him. But also, Aiden died while killing an Oni.

But it was now over. The Nogitsune and the Oni were defeated.

So much has happened. Two people's lives were lost during the fight. Who knows what will happen next for the pack. So far, Chris Argent and Isaac had left Beacon Hills. Scott was grieving. Stiles was slowly getting back to his normal life.

As for Bella? Well, she didn't know what to expect for her future.

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