CHAPTER 16: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend

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Bella woke up hours later, her head and face throbbing with pain. She could feel a large bandage wrapped around her head and face. She tried to sit up, only to feel herself get dizzy.

"Easy, sweetheart." the voice of Gerard said "Don't want you to fall off now, do we?"

"Why would you care?" Bella asked, "I thought you hated me?"

"Well, it seems like I may have misread the situation last night." Gerard said, handing a glass of water to Bella, which she accepts. "Sorry about that."

"Don't make us friends."

"Well, have you heard the phrase 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?" Gerard asked

Bella nods

"It would seem that we have an unlikely chance of becoming allies. Werewolves are my enemies. Derek Hale is your enemy. Perhaps, if we could work together, we could potentially bring them down together."

"What's in it for me?" Bella asked

"Oh, what could a young girl like you want?"

Bella hesitated a moment before responding "I want to be the one to kill Derek."

"Done." Gerard said without thinking. "Now, have you heard of the Kanima?"

"A what?"

"The Kanima is a form of shapeshifter " Gerard explained "The Kanima is a mutation of the  gene that cannot fully transform until it resolves that in its past which manifests it."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that someone who was bitten by a werewolf, took the shape that person represents. Turned it into something else instead of a wolf."

"So what you are saying is that there is another monstrous being wreaking havoc in Beacon Hills?"


"And who is the Kanima?"

"That, my dear, is what we need to find out."

"Alright, but I must warn you. I am pretty useless in the knowledge of supernatural beings." Belle told Gerard

"Oh don't you worry about that. We have everything we need. What I want you to focus on is physical training."


"Well, obviously, you have no fighting skills to display should you ever need to defend yourself. That is what I can offer you." Gerard grins evilly

Bella thought for a moment before agreeing "I suppose I could learn a thing or two. I have always been so weak and useless."

Gerard spent most of the day teaching Bella the basic instructions of defense fighting. Chris was furious when he came home to find a severely injured child learning how to fight. Gerard took Bella to the backyard and used it as a training ground.

Bella was practically on the ground, unable to regain her strength. She looked over and she saw the familiar figure of her father watching at a distance. Bella closed her eyes and the figure disappeared just as Chris came running out.

"Are you insane?!" Chris yelled at Gerard "The kid got attacked last night and the first thing you have her do today is learn how to fight? Look at her, she can barely stand!"

Gerard held a hand up "I understand how this must look, Chris. But if she wants to fight, she needs time to learn how to defend herself."

"Not when her face is practically sliced open!"

Chris looked and saw that Bella's stitches had split open and were bleeding through the bandages.

"Alright, that's enough." said Chris "Come with me, Bella."

Bella did as she was told and followed Chris to the kitchen, where he had Bella sit at the table. Chris took out the first aid kid and began cleaning Bella's wound.

"I don't know what the hell you were thinking of fighting so soon after what happened to you last night."

"Gerard was pretty convincing."

"He should know better than to drag you into this."

"Even if I wanted it?"

"Whether you want it or not is not the point. You could've been killed last night and you still need to heal, which will take time."

"So, I'm supposed to sit here and wait until I can be taught how to fight?"

"Exactly. Give a few days. Rest. We will come back to it later."

"Why do you care?" Bella asked

"I care because no child should ever have to go through this. Had this been my daughter, I wouldn't have been able to comprehend this. I wouldn't allow her to train so fast after getting hurt. It would make things worse. You could hurt yourself even more."

Belle listened to Chris. He was fairly understanding to talk to. She eventually agreed to wait another few days before attempting to learn how to fight again.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now