CHAPTER 18: Panic Attack

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The next night, Chris was taking Allison to Beacon Memorial. Gerard insisted on Chris bringing Bella along for the ride.

"You want me to go check out dead bodies in a morgue?" Bella asked

"You could learn a thing or two." said Gerard

When they got to the hospital, the trio were able to sneak into the morgue, thanks to a hunter who had the keys and was wearing a paramedics uniform. Allison and Bella stood close together as Chris read the toe tags on the two bodies in front of them.

"This one. Sean. " said Chris "Sean was killed by this thing Gerard says is a kind of shapeshifter. It hasn't been around for centuries."

"The creature you shot the other night at the club?" Bella asked

"South American legend calls it the Kanima." said Chris, moving over to the next body. "This one, Jessica. SHe was smothered to death after giving birth. The police think it was done by someone else. We think it's a person who's controlling this other shape shifter. That means two killers. One human, one not. You know, the question I had after Gerard first told me about our family, why us? He quoted WInston Churchill. The price of greatness is responsibility. Personally, I think it's more about knowledge. But we know the truth. We know about the world. That makes us responsible. For a young couple, their newborn daughter. Anyone that doesn't have the power to protect themselves. Are you two starting to get it?"

Before Bella could speak, Allison jumped in "I get that this isn't a lecture. It's an interrogation.

Chris walked closer to Allison "That depends on what you know. Gerard showed me the library. Cameras didn't catch everything, but do you really think that a little high school fight can explain the amount of damage. I know you're trying to protect your friends, but people are dying. A child was orphaned. What you know makes you responsible." Chris pulled the sheets off one of the bodies "Makes you responsible for this."

Bella gasped as she and Allison looked away.

"What do you want me to tell you?" Allison asked Chris

"Anything you know. Anything that can lead us to answering the one question that might mean everything. Who controls the Kanima?"

"I don't know." said Allison

"Then tell me when you figure it out."

As the group were leaving the hospital, Bella stopped in her tracks as she saw a familiar figure down the hall. Bella began to hyperventilate and Allison took notice.

"Hey, you alright?" Allison asked

Bella didn't respond and she began to shake.

"What is it?" Allison asked again

Chris turned around to see what the holdup was. "What's going on?"

"I don't know." said Allison "She just started having a panic attack."

Chris places a hand on Bella's shoulders "You alright kid?"

Bella kept looking straight ahead until the figure of Peter Hale disappeared again.

"Kid!" Chris said, shaking Bella's shoulders. She then came out of her trance and looked right at Chris.

"What was that about?" Chris asked

Bella shrugged as she pushed Chris' hand away "Nothing. I'm fine."

Bella began to walk in the direction towards the car.

"What just happened?" Allison asked Chris

"I have no idea." Chris replied

The drive back to the Argent house was an uneasy drive. When they arrived, Bella ran up to the room she was staying and just laid on the bed. She stayed that way for a while until someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" said Bella

Allison came in "Are you okay?"


"If you were fine then why did you just have a complete breakdown at the hospital?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well either you talk to me or you talk to Gerard. He's gonna be wondering about this."

Bella sighed angrily "Look, it doesn't matter. It's over with."

"This is not the first time this has happened. Believe me, I know." Allison said, sitting down on the bed "Now what is going on? What is triggering your attacks?"

"Why do you care? You wouldn't even understand!"

"Then tell me. Let me help you."

Bella's head began to spin as she envisioned her previous encounters with the figure. She wondered if Allison truly cared

"You can tell me." Allison said, taking Bella's hand.

"You'd just think that I am crazy."

"Out of all the things that happen in this town, I'm sure I've heard crazier."

Bella sighed "I've been seeing my dad."

"What?" Allison asked in confused

"Happened ever since the night Erica scratched me. I've been seeing my dad. At a distance. I don't know if it was all in my head or a spirit or something. But when I see him, I just....I can't handle it. Reminds me of all the horrible things that have ever happened to me. From losing my entire family, to Derek murdering my father in front of me. It's just a constant reminder of how alone I am."

Allison wrapped an arm around Bella "You are not alone."

Belle began to cry "I just miss him so much. I just want to be free of this pain! My dad was all I had and Derek took him away. Derek is gonna deserve everything he gets coming his way. He deserves to die and I hope I get to be the one that kills him. "

Allison is mortified when she hears this. The two of them sat there, unaware that Gerard was listening outside the door.

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