CHAPTER 37: Derek Makes a Choice

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Jennifer Blake has escaped. She never wanted to help in the first place. Jennifer also took Scott's mother, forcing Scott to team up with Deucalion. Back at Derek's loft, Cora continues to cough up black blood as she struggles to stay alive. Derek, Peter, Bella and Isaac hang around the loft solemnly.

"She's dying, isn't she?" Isaac asks

"I don't know." Derek replied

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know." Derek says again

"Want to figure something out?" Isaac says "Because while Scott and Stiles were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer. Do you get how many people she's killed? Erica and Boyd are dead, Cora is dying, and you are doing nothing! Why'd you do this to us, Derek? Was it all about the power? Were you bored? Were you lonely?"

"Maybe" Derek said sadly

Isaac starts to leave

"I told Cora I wouldn't leave." Derek says "I'll help the others when I figure out how to help her."

"There's no time!" Isaac yelled "The full moon's coming. The sheriff and Melissa are gonna be dead, so I'm gonna try and help them. You can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing" Isaac says slamming the door

"I wouldn't take it personally" Peter says coming down the spiral stairs "Anger is just a tool. He's using it to excuse shifting allegiance from one alpha to another. From you to Scott."

"Scott's not an alpha yet." Derek says

"But he's on his way, isn't he?"

Stiles later reached out to say that someone put the Argents name in big red letters on the elevator doors. Jennifer already took Stiles's father and Scott's mother, which probably meant that Chris Argent was next, as Guardians are to be ritually sacrificed. The three of them were guardians.

It was getting late and Bella was losing her energy after having shifted for the first time. She was exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep and nothing more.

The next morning, when Bella finally pulls herself out of bed early the next morning, she heads downstairs and finds Derek and Peter watching over Cora. Derek sat by Cora's side, trying to take her pain away.

"Careful" Peter warns Derek

Derek let's go of Cora "Don't worry. I know going too far could kill me."

"That's not exactly what I meant."

Bella came up behind Peter. Peter smiles down at her, "Hey kiddo, I didn't think you'd ever get out of bed." he said

Bella smiled, "I can't believe how tired I was. How come none of you slept as long as I did?" she asked

"You're just not used to it yet. It was your first time and your wolf has been restricting itself all these years. It just needs to get used to unleashing itself."

"I just didn't know I had it in me." Bella told Peter

"Yeah." Peter said sadly, still angry what Talia did to his child.

Peter then explained something to Derek. Something that could help Cora.  "I've heard it's something only an alpha can do, and with good reason."

"Which is?" Derek asks

"You know normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack. They care for it. They bring it food from a kill and then regurgitates it into the mouth of the injured wolf. They even give it physical and emotional comfort by intensely grooming it. In a way, they can do more than just ease pain. They can be instrumental in healing their own."

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