CHAPTER 83: Malia Shows Peter Her Memories

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"That was eventful." Bella said to Peter as they walked out of the empty building that was once Eichen house

"What did you expect?" Peter asked her

Bella turns to look at Peter "Just tell it to me straight. Am I gonna have to kill someone?"

"Well, I mean, it's very hard to avoid it in our line of work." Peter admitted "You say you don't want to kill anybody, it'll happen anyways. It's unavoidable. Even in cases of self-defense."

"And the hunters? They're hunting us right now. What if we just leave?"

"And have the hunters follow us? There is an army of hunters now. They're searching for anyone that is supernatural. That's at any time and anywhere, sweetheart. Right now, we need to be cautious."

"Scott knows more than he's saying. I know he is." Bella said

"It is most certainly not our problem."

"But what if it is?" Bella argued "We're not safe here, we're not safe anywhere. When will it ever be?"

"You know that I'd walk to the end of the earth to protect you and that's what I intend on doing. I'm not going to let the hunters hurt you."

"And you'd die for me? Frankly dad, I'd rather not see you die on me again."

"Neither would I, kiddo." As Peter wrapped his arms around her, one arm around her back and the cradling the back of her head.

A few hours later, Malia called Peter again, saying she wanted to talk to him. Alone. Peter was hesitant this time. Bella managed to convince Peter to see what she had to say this time. But Bella decided to not go with Peter to see Malia. Instead, she stayed back in the penthouse.

Peter met up with Malia

"I'm almost getting tired of rejecting you. Almost" Peter said as he came up and sat down next to Malia "I honestly have no idea where you get your obstinacy from."

"I get it from you." Malia said

"You most certainly do not." Peter says "What do you want?"

"I want to give you all of the facts. There's something else going on here. Something even you can't outrun."

"I can outrun anything. Running runs in the family."

"Well, I can't tell you. But I can show you." Malia says as she grabs Peter's hand, making him extend his claws and placing the claws into the back of her neck, showing him the Anuk-Ite.

Within seconds, Peter stood up, rubbing his hand "What the hell was that?"

"That's the Anuk-Ite." said Malia "It creates and feeds off fear. And it's affecting the hunters. And it'll make them come for everyone, even you."

"And the incorruptible Scott still thinks he can keep his hands clean? You know your only chance is to surround your delicate Scott with killers. Killers like me. Like you."

"Will you fight with us or not?" Malia asked once more

"You can't fight that thing." Peter says as he starts to walk away.

"That's right. Go running back to your cars and everything that you care more about than anything else. Go back to the one daughter you actually care about" Malia said, making Peter turn back to her and places a set of car keys in her hands

"One of them was for you." Peter said and he starts to walk away again

"Peter." Malia said. He stops and turns around again. "I don't want your stupid car."

Malia tosses the keys back to Peter and he walks away. Malia left and went back to meet up with Scott.

Later, Scott, Malia, Liam and Theo all met up. Liam and Theo showed the others the freezer of bodies they had found.

"It's a bad day for finding bodies." said Malia

"There's going to be a lot more if we don't find Aaron's other half." Liam says

"Which we know nothing about" Malia adds

"We know one thing." Liam says "It's a werewolf. We need to find this thing right now."

"Preferably before the merge." Theo said

"What happens if they merge?" Malia aksed

"Who knows? I'm guessing we don't want to find out though." Scott says

"Any chance you got to put together an army, Scott?" Liam asked

"You're looking at it." Malia said

"Let's hope this thing doesn't feed on desperation because this room reeks of it." Peter says as he walks into the room. He was covered in ash.

"What happened?" Scott asked Peter

"Those hunters destroyed my perfect automobiles. So, if this thing had anything to do with it, I'd like to see its demise be appropriately painful." Peter says, tossing down a steering wheel.

"I thought you had two cars." Malia said and Peter holds up another part and tosses it down too.

"There's going to be hell to pay." Peter says

"Where's Bella?" Malia asked

"Back at the penthouse, thank god." Peter said

As the pack split up to go into different directions, Malia sat in her car, waiting for Peter to join her.

"What's the hold up?" Peter asked as he climbed into her car "I have a lot of revenge to plan."

"No revenge until you tell me why you changed your mind." Malia tells him

"Gerard and his hunters blew up my cars, hoping that I'd be inside one of them."

"You're lying." Malia sings songs.

"Well, that goes without saying."

"Something in my head changed your mind." Malia says

Peter stares off into space, not saying anything for a while. He sighs and stares out the window, watching as Scott gets into his jeep.

"He's going to get himself killed. Don't fall in love with a dead man." Peter says, looking at Malia

"Too late." Malia says

Back at the penthouse, Bella was sitting comfortably on the couch, reading one of the textbooks. Things were quiet until....


A bullet flies through the window, making its way towards Bella, aimed for her head.

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