CHAPTER 98: Revelation

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Bella had no choice but to meet with Scott. The time had come to get this over with. It was now or never.

The rest of the day went by fast with nothing out of the ordinary. Other than the nerves taking over.  By morning, Peter was prepared to meet Scott McCall. Bella was still hesitant about the whole ordeal but she knew she had no choice in the matter. Scott agreed to meet the Hales at the loft.

Once they arrived, Bella followed Peter from behind as they walked upstairs towards the loft. Scott was already there with Derek. They were talking. Peter and Bella walked inside and saw Scott and Derek waiting on them.

"How are you feeling?" Scott asked Bella

Bella glared at him "I think you know the answer to that."

The four of them just stood around looking at each other awkwardly, unsure of what to say or do. Then Scott had a thought.

"Okay, Bella. I want you to shift." Scott told her


"Just do it."

Bella stood straight, closed her eyes and took a breath. But everytime she thought she was about to shift, nothing happened. Only her golden eyes shone.

"Why can't I shift?" Bella growls in frustration.

Peter looks at her worriedly as Scott whispers something to Derek. Derek nods at Scott. Just then, Derek runs at Bella to attack her. She didn't get the chance to defend herself when  Derek knocked her to the ground. Her wolf instincts didn't kick in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Peter demanded as he looked ready to pounce on Derek to stop him from hurting his daughter.

Bella tries to push Derek off of her but couldn't gather the strength to do so. "Get off!"

"Come on, Bella." Derek said "Fight me!"

"Get off of me!" Bella yelled as she punched Derek in the jaw.

Derek lets go. Out of anger, she pushed herself up and sloppily launched herself towards Derek, only for Derek to dodge her move. She then threw an arm at Derek, only for him to grab her arm and hold it behind her back. Bella groans in pain as she wrestles to get free. She stomps on Derek's foot but that didn't help much. All of her training, all of the muscle memory didn't work. Everything she once knew didn't have any effect at all. She wasn't strong anymore.

"Come on, Bella. Use your strength." Derek told her

"I'm trying!" she cried as she continued to wrestle from Derek's arms. "Please, stop! You're hurting me!"

"Derek, let her go!" Peter cried

Derek lets go and Bella drops to the floor and she clutches her arm.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Peter said as he rushed to her side. "What were you thinking?!"

"It was a test to see what sort of strength she had." Scott reveals

"Some test! You allowed her to get hurt!"

"It was necessary." Derek said "That was only the first part."

"Oh? And pray tell, what is the second?"


Bella looked up at Peter worriedly, unsure of what to do. Her arm was still throbbing and had shown no sign of healing yet. But of course, that was nothing. Nothing compared to any sort of major injury. But how would this be accomplished?

"What are you gonna do, stab me?" Bella asked

Scott looked at her for a moment "No. But a simple cut would suffice. Enough to try and trigger the healing process."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora