CHAPTER 20: Battle at the Sheriff's Station

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Bella was completely drained. Bella wanted to wake up and have everything be okay when her nightmare had become a reality. A reality she didn't think was possible.

She became allies with the Argent. Victoria Argent was now dead. Derek became a monster. Derek destroyed Bella's family and had betrayed her.

The strangest thing is; the nightmare that she had was fairly new and Bella didn't quite understand it. Why would she dream about Lydia and Derek? Why would she dream about her father being resurrected? It was impossible for that to truly happen.

After Bella got out of the shower, she received a surprise text from Derek. Derek hadn't touched base in several weeks and neither one of them had seen each other since the night at the ice rink.

"We need to talk." Derek had texted her. What could he possibly want to say to her?

Bella ignored the text and went downstairs to meet with everyone in the basement. Chris was teaching Bella about the guns and weapons that they have. Allison said that she got a text from Scott.

"He wants the bestiary." Chris reads

"That's not from Scott. He wouldn't have texted me and he definitely would have mentioned Derek." Allison replies

Bella bits her lips as Chris shows the phone to Gerard.

"The sheriff's station?" Gerard asks.

"If Derek's really there, I doubt its willingly." Chris points out

"You think Jackson is there too?" Allison asks

"Maybe. Maybe him and the one controlling him." Chris answers

"Funny you should mention Derek." said Bella

"And why is that?" asked Gerard

"Because he just sent me a text ."

"What did he want?" Chris asked

"I don't know. All he said was that 'We need to talk'. Nothing more. I pretty much ignored his message"

"Why did you do that?" Gerard asked

"I have nothing to talk about with him. What could he possibly want to talk to me about? I haven't seen or heard from him since the night I got this scratch on my face."

They pulled out the floor plans to the sheriff's station,

'How many do they keep on the night shift?" Gerard asked

"Since budget cuts, maybe four at the most. My guess is that they're either dead or paralyzed now." Chris answers

Gerard smiles "This might just be the confluence of events we've been hoping for."

"Confluence or conflagration?" Chris asked

"I'm open to both."

"What do we do now?" Allison questions

Gerard smiles again "Maybe you should tell us. That authority falls to you now."

"Not at her age." Chris said

"She is almost 18. She knows the difference between revenge and retribution. Do you, Allisomn? Make the decision from a vantage point of strategy over emotion and we'll follow your lead."

Allison already knew what she wanted. "It's what the both of us want. We want Derek dead."

Bella looked over to Allison in shock.

"What about Scott?" Chris questions

"Scott's not the one who forced my mother to kill herself.: Allisson said bitterly.

"He's not exactly and innocent bystander either. You can't pick and choose." Chris counters

"But I can prioritize. And the priority is Derek" Allison snaps

"And what about the others? Derek's pack?" Chris challenges, not liking Allison's murder plan.

"If they try to protect him, then we kill them. All of them" She says with no remorse

"Any suggestions, Bella?"" Gerard asks in amusement. All eyes land on Bella.

Bella crosses her arms as she thought for a moment. At this point, she didn't care what would happen to Derek but does it mean for the rest of them? The innocent ones like Scott?

"I agree with Allison, we must prioritize." said Bella. "But, the priority is the Kanima. We need to do something and I think we should come up with something other than genocide, of the wolves. As much as I want Derek dead, they're not the main problem. There's always time for retribution. But the Kanima is a much bigger problem now.

Gerard's smile is replaced with a glare. Almost as if he was unsatisfied.

"In a war, there are always fatalities. But the final decision goes to Allison. What do you say, Allison?"

"We kill Derek."

"Either way works for me" Bella shrugged and Gerard just glared at her.

This was the first time that Bella had gone out with the Argents to hunt. She's hoping to run into Derek and make him pay. Bella's worked hard on her training the last few weeks and she hopes that it becomes worth it.

Gerard and the hunters gathered in the front of the building and began shooting directly inside.Allison, Chris and Bella entered through the back. They all went in different directions. Smoke was filling the halls. Screaming could be heard throughout.

Bella held her crossbow up as she walked down the hall.. She was nervous about using it in action for the first time. At least she didn't have to use a gun.

Bella turns her head when she hears movement. She spun around and came into direct contact with Derek, with his eyes red and shifted. He just stands there. He seemed stunned to see her.

Bella felt the wind knock out of her as she looked at her cousin. She looked at him with her crossbow held out so could shoot him. Her finger touches the trigger

"Bella?" Derek questions softly as his eyes flicker to the crossbow.

Bella doesn't say anything but glares angrily at Derek.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked. "What the hell happened to you? Where have you been?"

Derek tried to move closer. Bella held her crossbow up and stepped back "Get away from me. I won't hesitate to shoot you!"

A loud roar was heard from behind Bella. The Kanima was behind her. Before Bella could react, the Kanima springs and attacks her, knocking her down, making her let go of her weapon as it slides across the ground.

Bella immediately gets up and Derek is gone. She slams the ground in frustration. "Damn it!"

She was about to turn a corner when she heard voices talking

"What are you doing here? It wasn't supposed to happen like this.!"

"Trust me. I'm aware of that." said the voice of Gerard.

"I've done everything that you've asked of me." Bella realized that she heard Scott talking. "I'm part of Derek's pack, I've given you all the information that you wanted, I told you that Matt was controlling Jackson...

"And leave him to us" said Gerard "Help your friends. Leave Matt and Jackson to me. Deal with your mother. Go!"

A cling could be heard

"You dropped this" said Scott


Bella took off before Scott could turn the corner.

Scott was working with Gerard? Why?

Bella ran towards the back of the station and met with Allison and Chris as they got out of there. She was furious that she didn't get to kill Derek tonight. But the one thing she was wondering about; What was Gerard up to?

At a distance, someone was watching them before they drove away. Someone who had grown angry at the fact that Bella Hale was now working with the Argents.

"My Bella."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu