Two Men, One Period ~ Andie Irwings

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Andie is the original character I created, the daughter of Luke and Ashton. Here's a little description of her...

Pronouns: she/her
Age in fic: 16
Physical features: almost identical to Lauren (Ashton's sister), but with Luke's nose and dimples.
Cool facts: drinks english tea, into self-care, likes literature and film, decorates room with flowers.

Calls Luke 'dad' and Ashton 'pop' or 'pa', and they have another dog called Shnip as well as Petunia.

For my peeps that go through menstruation like me, I feel you, and you can come back to this chapter whenever you want to feel loved!


Andie had mentioned over breakfast that her period had started when Ashton asked her why she was taking painkillers with her tea and toast, and as fathers do, Luke and Ashton smile with empathy and offer to make her pasta bake for dinner. Because that's what they know best.

"With extra garlic bread." Luke promised his daughter, the Irwings family enjoyed a carb crawl.

"That sounds great!" She told them with genuine excitement because Andie knew she was going to be in for a pretty crappy day. Even without the period it was a long and boring day at school. Her timetable included a double lesson in maths, physics and French...

The thought alone could send you into a coma.

"I'm gonna head off and catch my bus." Andie says as she looks at the time on her phone, taking a mental note at the figures to see how long it would take for the painkillers to kick in. Her cramps were pretty manageable right now but things tend to get worse before they get better, and in recent months Andie's period pains have gradually been getting worse and worse.

She swings her backpack over her shoulder and takes her dishes to the sink, one hand lightly rubbing her lower stomach as the pain was swelling up from a dull ache to a concentrated cramp.

"Are you sure you feel good enough for school, Love?" Ashton asks as he sees her jaw clench a little. Both he and Luke knew that Andie's period pains could get strong, it was hereditary. Her grandmother, Liz, and her Auntie Lauren had a history of painful periods and it looked as if Andie could join the club.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine once the painkillers kick in and I've had worse." She reassures her dads, Luke kisses her head as he starts washing up.

"Alright Sweetie, have a good day." Luke sends her on her way.

"Have a bloody good day!" Ashton joked not so subtly to which Andie pulled a face at him.

"Not right now, Pop." She told him as she wrapped her arms around her abdomen hoping that pressure would ease the pain some, Ashton pulls in her head for a hug.

"I'm sorry, Love. Joking about menstruation isn't funny...period!" Ashton jokes again, he can't help himself, Andie doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Her mood would be swinging today.

"Ashton! Stop it." Luke shuts him down before he makes someone cry.

"That's fine, it was actually pretty funny." Andie decided as she finished grabbing her coat ready to leave.

"See you later, Andie. Feel better." Luke said as she walked out the door, Andie hoped that she would feel good for the rest of the day. She's been lucky to have 'bad' days when it was a weekend or a holiday break but on a Monday morning? This could be bad.

"Shit on it!" Andie grunted to herself as she leans against the post at the bus stop, pressing deep into her uterus from the outside as like a warning. She checked the time on her phone and saw that it had been half an hour since she took her pain medicine. Surely it should start working soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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