Luke's Beauty Salon ~ Sierra

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I wrote this for my fellow Menstruate-ers, I get really bad cramps and if a guy ever treated me like this I would marry them on the spot.

Luke Hemmings is husband material for sure, and it's his birthday today! Happy 26th Penguin x

Sorry for slow updates, I've been in Spain for the last week with no WiFi.


Before bed, Sierra went to the bathroom only to discover that her period had started. Perfect. Just perfect.

Since she didn't feel any cramps thus far and being extremely sleepy she just crawled into bed with Luke, cuddling into his chest, his hand snaked down her back and onto her butt to be cheeky.

Luke curiously patted her butt as it felt lumpy and there was a slight rustle.

"Are you wearing a diaper?" Luke giggled, even though he knew in his mind that Sierra was probably on her period hence the jumbo night pad. Sierra closed her eyes and smiled, too tired to laugh but she found Luke funny.

"Hands off, that's for me and Jesus." She whispered as she moved Luke's wrist from her butt to her waist instead.

"I'm unfortunately not pregnant." She yawned, informing Luke as she started drifting off. They weren't trying for a baby right now but nine months of no periods sounded amazing.

Luke kissed the top of Sierra's head and stroked her hair to send her to sleep with.

"Night night, Thao. Love you." He whispered as he closed his eyes to fall asleep.

At exactly 04:37 in the morning, God decided that Sierra wasn't their favourite person and showed it through excruciating cramps in her abdomen. The pain sent a hot flush through her body as she slowly peeled herself off Luke's chest, roll over onto her side of the bed to get some air.

The waves of cramps shot through her lower stomach, then down into the thighs, she could even feel the cramps in her toes. Beyond the toes if that's even possible.

Sierra hugged her stomach and rolled into the child's pose, rocking back and forth and silently crying, her body felt so tired and she was in so much pain. She felt like she couldn't move without collapsing and didn't want to ask Luke for help, he needs sleep too, she believed that this was her problem to deal with. Praying this pain would subside soon.

However, Luke was becoming very aware of his surroundings, something didn't feel right. He's a heavy sleepy at the best of times but when he's sharing a bed with Sierra he feels very protective, feeling every point of contact against his skin.

Luke felt the bed slightly rocking, heard little whimpers and knew that Sierra wasn't tucked up against his arm like she was before. His eyes fluttered open to see his girl curled up in a ball of pain.

"Sierra?" He asked all groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he quickly checked the time. It was way too early to be awake.

He brushed the hair from Sierra's face and saw her crying. And the position she was lying in made Luke come to the realisation that she was in a lot of pain. Period pain to be exact.

"Is your tummy hurting, Thao?" He whispers softly as he pouted out his lips, rubbing her lower back to try and soother her.

"Uh huh." Sierra said, chocking on her tears. Her body hurt so bad. All this to get rid of a sex cell?

Luke leaned over and kissed her on the nose.

"Have you taken any medicine?" He asked her, the poor girl shook her head slightly before whimpering like a sad little puppy.

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