Ashton's Bed? Heck Yeah!~ Luke

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Context: Liz is on tour with them, set around 2014.

A little bit of Lashton content in this one.

Sorry I haven't been updating as fast as usual, I've had a bad cold lol.


Ashton's Pov:

"A-Ash...Ashton...Ashy?'' I heard someone whisper harshly into my ear in the middle of the night, it was meant to be a quiet night, no sound other than the rolling wheels of the tour bus. I opened up one eye, blinked twice to get rid of the fuzzy vision, and saw my young blonde friend standing by my bunk.

"Luke...go back to sleep.'' I mumbled into my pillow half-asleep. I was tired after playing a very long and energetic gig and needed to chill my gluteus and my wrists. And Luke should rest too.

"-But Ash, I-I don't feel very well.'' Luke told me in a sad voice, I opened both my eyes and took in his view. He was shivering with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders like a superheroes cape whilst clutching Pengey the Penguin to his chest. I had to admit that he looked positively adorable but he didn't look too well either. Paler than usual and red eyes.

"What's the matter, Mate? Come sit down.'' I asked him as I patted the edge of my bed for him to sit with me, he seated his caboose next to me and snuggled into my side as I sat up.

"Mhm cold and I have a sore throat." He told me, there was a rasp to his voice and was incredibly cuddly as he wrapped himself around me. I could recognise a sick Luke Hemmings anywhere and I had one in my bed. Guaranteed! And a sick Luke is an unhappy, clingy, and sad Luke.

"Maybe you pushed your voice a little too hard tonight?" I thought trying not to panic him but I could feel that he was slightly warm up against me.

"Maybe." Luke sniffled sadly before coughing a little into the crook of his elbow.

"Do you want me to get your Mum?" I asked him, he was a Mummy's Boy after all. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and whimpered, I couldn't tell if it was because of the pain or if that was his answer.

"No, I just can't sleep." Luke mumbled as he rubbed his eyes with his fists.

I had fallen into his trap!

"And you want to sleep with me tonight?" I said with a little smirk on my face, Luke was too sick to admit it but I knew his little tricks, but I didn't mind him staying with me for the night if that's want he needed right now.

"Uh huh." He confirmed.

"Alright sicko, you lie down and I'll get you some medicine." I said whilst stretching a little before rolling off my bed.

Ashton Irwin, being the Dad once again. I went to the kitchen to find our little medicine caddy in the cupboard. I rummaged through and found a bottle of liquid ibuprofen which should work on a sore throat I reckon. As I poured the medicine onto a little teaspoon I thought that a little merry tune would cheer Luke up a little bit.

"A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." I sang under my breath so I wouldn't wake up everyone on the bus otherwise I would be in such bad bucks here, sent to bed without dinner or shouted at. Actually...probably not as Liz is a Queen and very nice to us all so maybe just a harsh whisper.

But she didn't here me anyway so what's the point in even worrying? Fuck you Anxiety!

"Mary Poppins?" Luke asked before taking his medicine whilst plugging his nose to block out the taste which still didn't stop him from pulling a funny face at me as he gave back his spoon.

"I should have gone into musical theatre I know you have a crush on Mary Poppins." I teased him, even though it was true, and you heard it here first. Luke Hemmings had a boner for 1960s Julie Andrews. But he was a bit too sick to get a hard on right now.

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