Soup from Stock ~ Ashton

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Context: Ashton had an appendectomy so he had to take some time away from interview, most notably Shazam-A-Hang.


One thing is very clear, Ashton would never complain about having gas pains ever again! Not since having appendicitis at least.

That shit hurts like a mother-fucker, bloody oath!

But if you look on the bright side, at least he had a wicked scar to tell the tale, practically a month off of work, and a codeine prescription.

And he was constipated...

"Ashton, do you want an apple?" He heard Harry call from the kitchen, whilst our sick friend laid in his bed with a bruised abdomen and jelly muscles.

Ashton's head pokes out from his blankets, even the December heat in Australia couldn't stop him from cocooning himself, it brings comfort.

"Harry, why the fuck would I want an apple?" Ashton replied, he had only managed a bowl of rice let alone a bloody fruit salad.

"Don't swear in my house, you little shit." His mum, Anne, said as she waltzes into his bedroom with the fruit bowl in hand.

"Can you at least try and eat something? The doctor says you need some fibre." She said, pulling a banana from the bunch and waving it in Ashton's face.

"No I like being constipated, thank you!" He whined as he covered his face with his blanket.

"Oh you!" Anne sighed as she sat a fresh bottle of water onto Ash's bedside table, with his tablets.

"Fine, just take your drugs. Or you'll be in this bed forever." She told him.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Ashton joked as he slowly propped himself up with a pillow, using his elbows mainly. He seized his medication and water and took them without hesitation .

"Yummy yummy." Ashton declared before sliding back into his cocoon.

"You're cute." Anne said as she fluffed up his hair.

"No I'm not, I'm hard as fuck." He replied as he tried and failed to flex a muscle, it just sent a wave of pain back down to his abdomen. Ashton whimpered like a little puppy and just admitted defeat.

Anne gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Rest up, love." She said before leaving Ashton alone in his bed.

Still feeling crummy, and a little bit lonely, Ashton decided to open is trusty laptop and see what his band-mate's were up to recently. He had heard murmurings of an interview, Shazam-A-Hang or Shazam-A-Palooza?

One of the two.

After a quick search of YouTube he found the famous video, and the interview was going strong.

"What in the multiverse?" Ashton giggled to himself as the interview guy, Angus, turned up as the missing band member.

"Luke made me chicken soup from stock, and Michael tucked me in last night." Angus said, Ashton was almost wetting himself with laughter. Well he sure as he'll ain't shitting himself.

"Ow you mother-fucker!" Ashton growled at his abdomen, too much laughter I guess. He felt like his stitches could burst.

Ash immediately pulls out his phone and calls the baby of the band.

"Luke, what the fuck did I just watch?" He giggled down the line.

"You've perked up!" Luke respond, he was at home chilling. Having a well deserved day off.

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