Stubborn Betch! ~ Cashton

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Context: For the purposes of this fic, Ashton and Calum are in a relationship.


"Ashton, you are sick!" Calum said as he physically pushed Ashton against the pillows of the bed to get him to lie down.

"I'm not- *cough cough*, it's just a sore throat." Ashton fought back, his voice was all raspy and he wouldn't stop coughing last night. Calum was right, he was sick.

"You sound like a rat! So I'm going to the studio, without you, so you can stay in bed and rest. You stubborn betch!" Calum sighed as he pulled the blanket up to Ashton's chin as the boy kept coughing into the pillow.

"I feel so useless!" Ashton whined, he hated being sick so he was in constant denial.

"You aren't useless, Baby. But your voice isn't going to do any favours on the album if you record like this. We'll wait for it to get better." Calum said as he ran a hand through Ashton's hair as the sick boy sighed sadly.

"Ok." He pouted as he shivered a little and grabbed the blanket tighter.

"Listen, I'm going to tuck you in now. And I don't want to see your sick ass out of this bed until you're better." Calum said as he worked his way across the bed to make sure no drafts got in.

"And if I need a piss?" Ashton challenged that demand.

"Piss yourself, only joking, bathroom breaks are the only exception or a life and death situation." Calum rephrased, the rules were quite tight.

"Such as?" Ashton felt the need to challenge again, being sick made him a little cranky.

"If you feel like your airways are closing, or if Duke's shits on the floor whilst I'm gone." Calum replied as he pointed the the little fur ball that was sat cutely on the edge of the bed.

"There you go, all cosy. Do you need anything else before I go?" Calum said as he stood back and admired his tucking in skills, Ashton couldn't move even if he tried.

"Gimme a kiss!" He cooed before puckering up his lips.

"Ashy, you're gonna get me sick." Calum said, he wasn't much of a germaphobe, it's just they had an album to record which didn't require extra raspy vocals.

"But it would make me- *cough* feel better." Ashton said as he flashed Cal the puppy dog eyes, cuter than Duke's, cuter than anyone's.

"I can't say no to you, Sweet Cheeks." Calum said as he leaned over and kissed his boyfriend.

"Feel better, Baby." He said before leaving Ashton for the studio.

Duke came over and snuggled up on Calum's pillow so Ash could only stroke him with his own face as his arms were trapped into the sheets. Calum did a great job of tucking him in, maybe a little too good.

📍The Studio

It was finally lunchtime and our three remaining rockstars sat down to discuss their plans aside from the band. All morning long was music music music so they needed a catch up.

"Me and Sierra were looking at wedding venues last weekend." Luke said as he munched his pasta salad, his crunchy leaves could be heard for miles.

"That's exciting, what were you thinking?" Michael asked, he finds all this exciting too ever since he had his wedding with Crystal. Now everyone else needed to get married.

"We're still deciding where to have it, should we have it in Cali? Because we also thought about back in Australia or even on a beach in Vietnam." Luke asked the boys.

"Oh that's a tough decision, what do you think Cal?" Michael asked their friend who waw just silently munching his sandwiches.

"Calum? Earth to Calum!" Luke said as he waved a hand in front of his face, Calum's head whips up and he sees the two boys staring at him.

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