Heartbreak Boy ~ Luke

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Context: Luke had a high-school girlfriend, Aleisha, and if you've seen the title you can have a pretty good guess about the plot...



As the days started counting down until 5 Seconds of Summer's moving day to London as a very exciting opportunity has arisen for them.

This was a huge step for the band!

However, this meant that they had to leave their lives in Australia behind, Luke knew this to an extent but he was still a naive teenager and believed that all his relationships could stay the same.

Even his more romantic relationships!

Until one night...

Luke was lying down on his bed about to go to sleep but first he was sending his goodnight messages to his girlfriend, this was Luke's first proper relationship and loved Aleisha so much.

He had met her in school and immediately thought that she was beautiful, plus she had a very pretty singing voice. Their favourite thing to do together was sing songs together all alone in the house.

Cheesey? Sure, but it was special to them.

Luke rolled onto his side with a huge smile on his face as he saw that Aleisha was typing.

Aleisha 💕: Luke, I've been thinking a lot about something...

Luke 💛: something...exciting? 😁

Aleisha 💕: Um not really.

Luke sat up in bed and got serious, he didn't know what was about to happen, he was a little nervous. Butterflies flapping about in his tummy kinda nervous.

Luke 💛: What's up, Pretty Penguin?

Aleisha 💕: This isn't the easiest thing to admit but I think we should break up. I'm so sorry, Lukey.

Luke felt as if someone just sucker-punched him in the gut from the sheer shock of it all.

Luke 💛: What? Why would you want to do that? I've had the best time of my life so far because of you!

Aleisha 💕: I know, we've had amazing times and I'll treasure them all but you're moving half way across the world! Realistically, can we keep this going long distance?

Luke had already started crying, his vision was blurred and he was just overcome with sadness. He bit one of his fingers so no one in the house would hear him sobbing.

Luke 💛: We could try, please! I love you so much and I'll need you when I'm in London.

Aleisha 💕: And I'll be here for you, always, but as a friend. Not a girlfriend. And believe me I want this relationship to last but you're going to be under so much stress and I don't want to cause you any distractions and stuff. It's probably for the best. I still love you Lukey but this is what I have to do.

Luke 💛: I understand, I love you too Aleisha. But I need to go cry now...

And cry he did.

Luke felt so terrible, he didn't think that his first love would end this way, not because of the move and especially not over text before going to bed.

He hugged his stuffed Penguin toy and buried his face into it as his tears flowed like a river.

As he choked on his tears, Luke felt that awful feeling in his gut yet again, his tummy was aching and his head hurt. But unfortunately his gag reflux was also triggered!

Luke got up and moved as quickly and quietly as possible before leaning over the toilet, praying that he could keep his dinner inside him but as he kept crying on and on and on it was getting so much harder. He hoped that no one would hear him.

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