Migraine Misery ~ Sierra

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Context: Luke and Sierra are married for this chapter.

Requested by @VictoriaVanorden2


"I'm back from the supermarket!" Luke called out to his wife Sierra from the front door all the way to their living room. She was having a lie down on the sofa with Petunia cuddled up into her side as she tried to keep a headache at bay.

Poor thing got migraines sometimes, normally before her period during the hormone shifts, but that was now.

Luke came in with his bags of various groceries with a sympathy smile on his face. Sierra was wearing one of Luke's sweatshirts that was too big for her with pyjama shorts and her hair was in a loose braid. She looked rather adorable all snuggled up with Petunia.

"How's your head?" Luke asked, leaning over to gently caress her soft cheeks.

"Hurts alot." Sierra sighed as she squinted her eyes a little and rubbed her temples to try and ease the pain. She hoped this headache wouldn't get any worse.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" Luke asked her with a smile to try and cheer her up, he hates seeing his girl so sick and miserable.

"You can try." She replied without hope.

Luke leans over again and presses his lips to her forehead.

"Mwah...is that better?" He asked after milking the sound effects for the chance of a little Sierra giggle. But alas.

"No not really, sorry." Sierra told him, Luke knew it was a long shot anyways but it was sad to see her like this.

"Aw, well I'm going to put this shopping away then I'm all yours." He said as he realised that he had many frozen foods like ice cream that were melting as we speak.

Sierra held her head for a moment as she could feel many a pain wave be sent her way, like a knife was working its way slowly through her brain and out her forehead. She lied down and tried to relax, stroking Petunia and trying to mimic her soft relaxing breaths.

"You give the best cuddles, Tuney." She sighed softly whilst draping her arm over Petunia's back to make a little spoon.

"What about me?" Luke giggled softly as he finally came back from the kitchen.

"Only kidding." Sierra said as she watched Luke sit down on the couch, she crawled over to him and initially rested her head against his chest but the sound of Luke's heart beating was irritating her head even more so she moved to his shoulder so her face was hiding in the crook of his neck.

"My Sweet Girl." Luke cooed softly almost like a whisper as he talked into the back of her head, the sound muffled with her soft hair against his lips, tickling them slightly.

Sierra shivered a little so Luke wrapped a blanket around her and held her close to keep her warm and cosy.

"I hate when you're not feeling well." He told her as he used one hand to rub up and down her back and the other gently massaging her skull.

"Me too." Sierra said feeling pretty sorry for herself too.

"Have you taken any medicine?" He asked her, Sierra didn't say anything but let out a little groan as if to say no. Petunia style.

Petunia was lying at Sierra's bare feet and warming them up for her ever since Luke took over cuddle duty.

"You need to take something, Bubs. Wait here." Luke said as he gently peeled her off his chest so he could go to the kitchen to grab painkillers.

"Here's a present, it's a Piggy." He giggled as he dragged Petunia by her front legs right next to Sierra, she giggled weakly before wrapping her arms around her.

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