Big Sisters Suck! ~ Calum

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Context: Calum's sister is the musician Mali-Koa

Set during Calum's school days

Calum's Pov:

One word of advice...don't have a sister and catch a cold at the same time.

"Oh stop whining, Calum!" She groaned as she checked a packet of cold and flu tablets at my head.

I was lying on the sofa with a fucking nasty cold, I felt fucking awful. Normally a cold wouldn't have stopped me going to school but this one felt different, like as if I had a fever and was on the verge of passing out, and the sore throat was intense. Rugged up in my sweats and a blanket that covered every square inch of my body to create a human burrito. Also buried under a second blanket made entirely of my tissues.

Obviously I'm too old for a babysitter but Mum insisted that Mali-Koa stay home to watch over me but she was just being a bitch.

"Fug you, Mali." I snapped back as I struggled to open my medicine, my fingers felt too weak and I didn't have any water to take them with either.

"Can I have some *cough cough* wadder please?" I asked her, my throat felt like it was on literal fire.

"You've changed your tune! 'Fuck you, Mali' oh but sure, I'll get you some water." Mali-Koa muttered to herself as she marched backed to the kitchen to get me a drink. I could hear her though.

"Mean." I grumbled as I pulled the blanket up to my mouth to cover my cough.

Actually, why should I bother concealing this shit? After the way she's been treating me today she deserves to catch my cold.

"Here." She huffed as she placed the water glass on the coffee table in front of me.

"Danks." I said as I tried to sit up, holding my pills in a shaky hand as I leant over the glass to try not to spill.

Once I swallowed my medicine down, I laid my head back down against the couch cushions, my head felt heavier in proportion to the rest of my body.

"I feel fugging derrible." I whimpered, just wanting to curl up and die. I was convinced this was the end of my life.

Mali-Koa felt my forehead with the back of her hand, her hand was so cold, it made me super uncomfortable. I shivered again.

"You don't have a fever, you're fine." She said with the biggest eye roll ever. Maybe she'd finally find a brain at the back of her head. About bloody time.

"I'm sdill sick though." I sniffled, fever or no fever, I'm not well.

"Your first ever man flu!" Mali scoffed.

I flipped her off, man flu doesn't exist, I'm sick and she's just jealous I bet.

"Try having a fucking period!" She said as she stormed off to her bedroom upstairs.

She can fuck herself.

I was so bored that I decided to message my friends that were probably missing me so much. Judging by the time it was break time at school so the guys should respond. If not then they clearly don't love me.

💛❤ The Wiggles 2.0 💜 💙

Calum 💜: Word of advice...don't get a sister!

Ashton 💙: That advice would have been useful in 2001, can I return her without a receipt???

Luke 💛: Not a problem

Michael ❤: Can't relate, lmao

Calum 💜: Mali is being a right cow!

Luke 💛: Tell her I said hello

Ashton 💙: It's not going to say hello, it's a cow Luke!

Michael ❤: How you feeling, man?

Calum 💜: Like arse

Michael ❤: Sounds crap!

Calum 💜: Mali said I had man flu, the cheek the nerve the audacity and the gumption!

Luke 💛: Well when you woke up yesterday with a sore throat you wouldn't stop talking about it...

Ashton 💙: That is a bit man flu-ish tbh

Calum 💜: Bollocks to that!

I dropped my phone on the cushion next to me and sulked. Even my own friends would betray me.

My arm snaked out of the blanket burrito and found the remote to turn on some spongebob squarepants as it was really easy to watch.

So easy in fact I fell asleep to it.

3rd Person:

"I made you some fucking alphabet soup, but they way you've fucking treated me today I should have spelt fucking 'asshole' in it." Mali-Koa said as she put a bowl of soup on the coffee table for Calum to scran.

Normally these siblings have a good relationship but they were both irritable today. Little did Calum know that Mali was on her period and wasn't feeling super well herself and yet here she was taking care of her little brother when all she wanted to do was curl up in bed with a bowl of ice cream.

She tried dropping the hint to Calum earlier bit he didn't catch on.

Calum ate his soup in silence as she came and sat next to him on the sofa, her knees curled into her chest and breathing heavily.

"You good?" Calum asked curiously, two seconds ago she was practically screaming, now she looked very uncomfortable.

"Mhm fine." She said through gritted teeth.

"Are you *cough* mad thad I shouded ad you?" Calum sniffled, feeling a little guilty, seeing as his friends could tell he had a touch of the irritable man flu he thought that he may of come off very needy and unappreciative.

"No, it's not that." She told him, feeling a cramp hit her uterus. She wrapped an arm around her middle and flopped dramatically against the cushions.

"Oh, your rag?" Calum asked her.

"Uh huh, it hurts like a mother-fucker! And I've had to take care of you ass all day!" She snapped, immediately regretting it.

"Sorry, I know you can't help being sick. But this fucking kills!" Mali-Koa apologised but honestly felt like crying from the pain.

"Sorry for being a handful." Calum apologised too.

"Eh, it's fine. But you'll never get a girlfriend if you act like this when you're sick!" Mali said.

Calum resisted the urge to slap his sister across the back of the head as she was in pain that he couldn't ever imagine.

"Should *cough cough* I ged us ice cream and watch a movie?" I suggested, miraculously gaining some strength back in my muscles.

"It wouldn't hurt...thanks Cal." Mali-Koa told her younger brother, he was a pain in the ass but he could be sweet sometimes.

The rest of the day was spent being lazy, watching bad television, and eating comfort food as the pair decided to form a truce in the fragile states.

Maybe big sisters weren't so bad after all.


Hope you liked this one!

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Love you guys x

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