Bleach Everything ~ CALM

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A little tip from you emetophobia friend (me), if you're looking after someone who has norovirus or any type of sickness bug, the only thing that will kill the germs to prevent the spread, bleach only! No random disinfectant, that only kills cold viruses.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, enjoy this chapter


👑 Mum's On Tour 👑

From Liz: Day 3 of of Tour Sickness for the boys 🤮💩

From Anne-Marie: Aww, bless them. How are they this morning?

From Liz: Calum threw up once around 3am, Ashton threw up last night before bed, last time I checked Michael still had diarrhoea...and Luke a little bit.

From Joy: Oh dear. Poor babies. And poor you, Liz, thanks again for taking care of them xx

From Karen: Yeah Liz, how have you not gotten sick yet?

From Liz: I've taken care of Luke, Jack, Ben and my husband when they had Gastro together and didn't get sick. I'm immune. Plus, I've bleached the whole hotel room.

From Anne-Marie: I learnt the hard way that bleach was the only way to kill Gastro germs 🤢

From Joy: None of us have had an original experience with the bug 😂

From Karen: Yikes, I'm glad Mikey's an only child!

From Joy: You should be, Kaz 😂

Liz's Pov:

"Muuum!" I heard Luke's croaky voice whimper softly from across the room, he was sharing a double bed with Michael and the Ashton and Calum were in the other.

"Yes Sweetie, what's wrong?" I say as I put my phone down and walk over to his side, I run my hands through his hair to soothe him but I can tell he's in pain.

"It hurts!" He cries a little. Poor Baby had been complaining of tummy cramps all night so he barely slept and it didn't seem to be getting better. He leans in closer wanting to he held, I cradle him, his skin still feels warm with fever.

"I know, Lukey, I know." I say in a calming voice, he was crying quite a bit and I needed him to settle down. He'd make himself sick again.

"Sh-sh-sh, you're ok." I tell him as I wiped the tears from his cheeks, he looks so sad and pained. I sit with him for a while and try to rub the cramps out his stomach, his skin is clammy and his frame is very slim from all the sickness.

"What's bugging you, Luke? Do you need to use that bathroom?" I ask him as he calms down slightly, he shakes his head.

"I-I just don't feel good, my tummy hurts and we have a show tonight and I'm gonna sound terrible!" Luke whimpered on the verge of tears again because he was so upset. I felt so bad that he was feeling so guilty.

"Aww Love, don't worry about the show tonight. I've had a long word with your management and I told them that if I wouldn't send you to school then I wouldn't send you out on stage." I reassure him because he was making himself worse.

"Really?" He asks taking a sigh of relief, I kiss his head and cuddle him.

"Really. You boys need another day to rest your tummies. And it's not your fault that you're sick." I remind him, he won't rest otherwise which is all I needed him to do today.

"I j-just don't want to let our fans down." Luke tells me, he's too sweet.

"I think they'll appreciate it more if you don't give them all Gastro." I told him and he agrees but curls up in a tight ball on my lap in pain.

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