Smash That Cat ~ Ashton

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Context: Set whilst filming Don't Stop music video.

Requested by: Summerloveslarry

Ashton's Pov:

You know that scenario when you're eating a meal that's disgusting but you persevere through the food because you don't want to make the chef upset?

This was kind of like that...but with a cat.

"Why didn't you tell the director you have a cat allergy?" Luke asked me as we got into our superhero costumes, and in the corner of the room is a cat carrier with a meowing cat inside. Cutest little meow but I was nervous.

"I didn't want to appear difficult to work with! As long as I don't rub my face into his fur I'll be fine." I told him, I hate being a burden, and my allergies aren't always that bad.

"I think the cat is a she?" Michael said as he sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor by the cat carrier, sticking his fingers in to scratch the cat under the chin.

"I don't care what it is, I'm not cuddling it." I told him.

We got into our costumes and waited on the set whilst the technical team sorted out the cameras for the shoot. I sat the furthest from the cat as I didn't need my nose to explode before filming. I felt a little left out as everyone else was laughing because the cat was rolling around inside her carrier and licking anyone that stuck their fingers against the gate.

"Aww, she's such a pretty kitty!" Michael cooed as he soothed the meowing feline, it was a cute cat but deadly to my immune system. I could hear the creature purring which gave me chills.

The owner decided to let her out of the carrier.

"She needs to get comfortable around you boys." They said, now the beast was roaming free!

The cat initially allowed Michael and Calum to pet her for a few minutes, then Luke, even climbing onto his lap.

"You're the sweetest cat I've ever met!" Luke cooes, the softest voice he had. The cat looks me in the eye, I pulled my most threatening face, but that didn't stop her from hopping off Luke's lap and heading in my direction.

"Oh no you don't!" I panic as I stood up, edging slowly back as the cat starts following me, I blocked the creature with my feet.

"Don't kick her, Ash!" Michael snapped at me, I freeze for a moment as I feel the warm, soft body of the cat nuzzle around my legs. Rubbing her body against me and weaving in and out of my legs.

"Aww, she likes you!" Calum teases me as he sees the pained expression on my face. I look down at my feet and the cat stands on her hind legs and paws at my legs.

"Get her away from me, please!" I plead and Luke picks her up and holds her to his chest.

"Good Luck, Ashton. She's a cuddler." Luke warns me and I shake in my superhero boots!

3rd Person:

"Can we get another take, Ash?" The director called out after many many takes of Ashton chasing the cat and running with it to safety.

Ashton's eyes were watering and he could feel his nose getting stuffy but he kept in concealed to the crew but take after take he could feel himself getting worse. He'd be sneezing between takes, needing to blow his nose and wipe his eyes. And now his chest was getting itchy.

"I think that's good, Ash." The director announces and Ash walks off set, handing the cat to Michael before letting out a great big sneeze.

"Aah-Achoo!" Ashton sneezed so hard, snot flew out of his nose, he folded over! It was a big sneeze.

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