Twin-fection ~ Clifford Twins

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With the characters Luna and Eddie from my chapter Boob with the Flu if you want to see their origins, if you like these children ones then you can request them too. Very loosely based on an episode of Liv and Maddie

Twins ages: 16 years old


"Michael!" Crystal says as she meets her husband at the front door.

"You better hurry up, Babe, your uber just arrived." Michael told her.

Crystal was about to go away for the week with some friends, her suitcases were packed and ready by the door for her to leave smoothly, it was a very early start and the airport awaits.

"I was just saying goodbye to Luna and she's burning with fever, I think she has the flu, maybe I should stay home?" Crystal said in a concerned panic, Michael cupped her cheeks and looked her in the eyes. Crystal always gets anxious about travelling and having a sick child makes that anxiety spike any higher.

"Babe, Babe, Babe! Calm down. You're going to go on your trip and have an amazing time and I'll take care of Luna." Michael promises her and seals with a kiss.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" Crystal asks.

"I've taken care of sick kids before, Crystal, she'll be fine." He reassures her and grabs coat for her to put on. Crystal takes a deep breath and smiles.

"Alright, thanks Michael." She smiles before giving him one last big hug.

"Mwah, I love you. Now go and enjoy your vacation." He tells her as he opens the door open for her, Crystal takes her suitcase and roles down the driveway to the car. Michael waves at her as he watches her drive away, all before shutting the door behind him.

"HuhEugh!" The noise of someone retching echoes from upstairs.

"Oh Jesus Christ." Michael sighs as he jumps into Dad-Mode and follows the sound right outside the bathroom. He tries the doorknob but it's locked, he knocks three times.

"Loon? You alright in there?" Michael asks from behind the door although he can hear that whoever was in there wasn't doing well.

"I-It's Ed...I don't feel so good." Eddie's cracking teenage voice replies from the inside as he sits by the toilet having just puked up his dinner from the night before. He woke up feeling so rough.

"Ed? What about Luna?" Michael says as he gets all bamboozled, he thought Luna was the one who was poorly.

"G-Gosh, thanks for your sympathy, Dad!" Eddie snaps at him before he hiccups and tries to keep his lunch down.

"I didn't mean it like that, Mate! Where's your sister?" Michael says as he rolls his eyes, he didn't mean to sound like he didn't care about him, it was just a shock.

"In here, Dad- Achoo!" He hears Luna's congested voice and sneeze come from her bedroom, he stands in her doorway and sees his daughter wrapped up in blankets with a million tissues scattered across the bed.

"Bless you, Sweetie.'re both sick?" Michael says as he rubs his forehead, this was more than he was expecting.

"HuhEugh!" Eddie gags and throws up which makes everyone's skin crawl, he had to admit that he pukes like a girl!

"That's a yes." Michael says under his breath before kneeling beside Luna's bed, he lightly caress her warm pink tinted cheeks.

"Aww, poor girl. You're definitely running a fever. How'd you feel?" Michael sighs sympathetically, he hates when his kids are sick.

"Yucky and achey." She sniffles whilst leaning into his touch, her muscles hurt and her head was heavy with mucus.

"Your tummy feel ok? Do you feel nauseous?" Michael asked as Luna shakes her head, she had a little tummy ache but definitely not a 'I'm gonna throw up' type tummy ache.

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