Bronchitis ~ Michael

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Context: Michael had bronchitis when promoting their single Teeth, this was mentioned during Good Mythical Morning.


"Are seriously non of you guys sick? Because Michael's been hacking up mucus all night." Crystal said during a four way group chat with the 5sos boys on Michael's behalf as he laid face down in bed.

Crystal was like an overprotective mother right now. But Michael had gotten super sick so suddenly and the only people he's been around are his boys. She thought they might now what's up.

"Well I had a cold last week if anyone cares." Calum sent back.

"And I had a cold the week before that, I probably gave it to Cal." Luke replied.

"I think I started this Plague of colds at the start of the month. Soz if it got to Mikey." Ashton replied, with the least amount of sympathy for his friends condition.

"Well you definitely got Mikey sick! He's in bed with a 101 degree fucking fever!" Crystal hissed at them.

"Woah woah woah, calm down!" Luke pleaded down the phone. This was getting really aggressive.

"It's just a cold, Crystal. Don't worry." Calum said trying to calm her down.

"This is more than just a cold, I think. He's burning up!" Crystal said as she came down to Michael's bedside and caressed his cheek with the back of his hand. The heat radiates off his skin.

His face was sweaty but the boy was shivering so much.

"We're sorry to hear that and we send him our love and all that, but it's not our fault!" Ashton said getting on the defensive.

"Shut up, Ash. Try not to worry Crystal, we have a free week, he'll probably be better by then. She'll be apples." Luke told her in reassurance.

Michael's body rolled over so he was laid on his side, his sick face poking our of his nest of blankets, slowly waking up.

"He's awake now, guys. Thanks alot." Crystal blamed them.

"Not sure if that's strictly our fault." Ashton said, sounding quite annoyed.

"Let us know if he needs anything, hope he gets better." Calum said as he made the decision to end the group call.

Crystal put the phone down and crawled into bed next to poor Michael.

"You worry too much." Mike said in a rather sleepy voice, he sounded hoarse. He pulled his blanket over his mouth as another hacking cough took over his body.

He didn't want his girl to get sick either, this sickness wasn't attractive.

He clamped his mouth shut but he could feel more phlegm coating his throat, making him choke.

Crystal passed him a tissue for him to cough into.

"Sounds like bad phlegm." She said, trying not to be too disgusted as all this mucus being produced by one person.

"What colour phlegm is bad phlegm?" Crystal thought our loud as Michael finally got his throat cleared temporarily.

"Definitely *cough* that colour." Michael said as he inspected the tissue, disgusting himself.

He immediately chucked it into the bin before his girl had to see it. Michael curled up into Crystal's side for a snuggle, poor thing felt really ill.

"I'll go to the store later on and get you some more cough syrup." She said as she brushed the hair from his face.

The last time they checked the bottle of cough syrup they had in the medicine cabinet they could have sworn there were mushrooms sprouting.

That would probably finish Michael off.

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