Canine Influenza ~ Petunia

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Context: Petunia is Luke's dog and they too can get sick.

Let's switch things up!

Disclaimer, I am no vet nor a dog owner. I have a cat...


Luke had noticed for a couple days now that his Baby Girl, Petunia, hasn't been feeling exactly 100%. The poor dog had a little cough but his first instinct was allergies due to the seasons changing so he didn't think too much into it.

That was until this morning when he woke up alone in his bed.

Luke stretched out his back and looked around the bedroom but his dog was no where to be seen.

"Tunia!" He called out as he yawned, slowly sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes so he could see more clearly. Nothing to see here.

On the way to the kitchen to get himself breakfast he finally found his pet awake and curled up on her bed with a couple soft toys.

"Morning Princess, you want some breakfast?" Luke said as he knelt down to scratch her ears, but the poor canine couldn't have looked more sad if she tried. Petunia whimpered a little and rested her head down.

"Still sleepy?" Luke said, not grasping onto the situation yet. He couldn't speak dog and Petunia had always been a couch potato of sorts.

Again, Luke didn't want to read too much into this and panic his little brain. The minute Petunia smells food she comes running into the kitchen waiting to be fed.

Luke got himself his coffee and cheerios before prepping Petunia's breakfast, making sure the purposely clang her dishes to try and motivate her to get out of bed. Luke loves to treat the light of his life with her favourite food to get her in a good mood.

"Petunia?" Luke sang as he put the bowl of dog food on her mat, the usual dining place, with fresh water and all.

Petunia waddled over and sniffed her dish that consisted of a meat and vegetable mush from a fancy can before looking up at Luke with sad puppy eyes.

"Don't wait for me, Tuney. Eat up." Luke said in his puppy voice. But Petunia just whimpered sadly and waddled back to bed. The boy was in disbelief and followed her.

"What's the matter, Piggy? You're off your food." Luke cooed sadly as he knelt back next to her, lightly patting her head before she started coughing again. They sounded wet and chesty, almost like she was gagging. Luke could also recognise that her breathing pattern didn't sound right, he couldn't describe how, it was a gut feeling and it didn't feel good.

"Aww Baby." He said worriedly, Petunia cuddled down into her bed to rest so Luke decided to give her some peace while he went to eat breakfast alone.

This was super unlike the Petunia that we all know and love.

Luke's fatherly instincts kicked in and he whipped out his phone to ring the veterinary clinic to see if they could squeeze in one sick bulldog for today. It's better to get this checked out.

Luckily they had an opening for later that morning which made Luke feel a whole lot better. But first he had to cancel his plans with the guys.

💛❤ The Wiggles 2.0 💜💙

Luke 💛: Sorry guys, I won't be able to make the pub lunch later. I'm taking Petunia to the vet.

Michael ❤: Oh no! Is she ok?

Calum 💜: We understand mate, do you need any help?

Ashton 💙: I can't give you any advice unless it's about taking care of fish so have fun!

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