English Love A-Fever ~ Ashton ft. One Direction

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Context: listen to English Love Affair...


One Direction and 5sos had just settled down into their hotel rooms for the night after a couple long hours on the road, in separate buses, but now they had the whole night to do what they want. So many opportunities! Things could get messy...

"I promised Luke and Michael that I'd buy them their first vodka redbull." Louis said as he buttoned up his shirt.

The boys had decided to go out clubbing and show their Aussie brothers a good night, they knew a guy on the doors at this venue who would let them in, no questions asked.

"How have they never had a vodka redbull?" Niall laughs in disbelief as he gets his hair looking nice, quiffed up and all dressed in his best shoes that would probably be destroyed after tonight.

"Everyone likes vodka redbull!" Liam said as he danced along to the music playing through the television radio, moonwalking, Harry was lounging on the bed, still in his sweatpants and t-shirt after the bus ride, surrounded by luggage and chucked a ball of socks straight for his head.

"Stop being a fucking show-off!" Harry told him and Liam gave him the finger.

"Don't get too excited, I just got a text from Michael." Zayn said in a low voice as he came out of the bathroom with his phone in hand.

"What's up?" Niall asked as he came to Zayn's side to read the message.

"Apparently Ashton's really sick and they don't want to leave him alone." Zayn told everyone who frowned sympathetically.

"Aw, poor Ashton." Louis said as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to Harry who was actually thinking of a plan.

"I can stay here with him." Harry offered his babysitting services to the slightly younger boy.

"Are you sure, Haz? We don't want you to feel left out." Niall asked him.

"No, it's fine. I'm actually pretty tired today so I don't mind staying." Harry said, he didn't feel like changing out of his comfies. The journey had drained him and it was their first night off in days!

"Alright, I'll text the guys." Zayn said and the boys continued getting, their room smelt like an industrial accident at the lynx factory and there was clothes everywhere, even Harry was happy to get out the room.

They marched down the hall to the 5sos room and knocked on the door, immediately Calum opened up.

"Ssshhh!" He shushed aggressively! So harsh that little drops of saliva sprayed the boys and they had to pretend not to be disgusted.

"Steady on, Cal!" Liam said slightly shocked at his tone whilst he discreetly wiped the spit from his brow.

"Be quiet." Calum warned them all in a sharp voice and looks that could kill, all the one direction boys sealed their lips and slowly followed him into the room.

"Where's the poor little mite?" Louis whispers in a fatherly tone as they come into the bedroom, Ashton's lying down in bed shirtless and sweaty, his eyes are closed but he's moaning in discomfort.

"Aww Ash." Harry sighs as he sits beside him, Ashton whimpers again and slowly opens one eye to acknowledge the presence of One Direction before closing it again.

"What's wrong with him?" Niall asks them.

"He's got a quite a bad fever." Michael tells them and all the boys frown.

"Any other symptoms? I'm just curious, for Harry's sake." Louis asks and Harry smiles at him as if to say thank you because he didn't want to sound rude, Ashton looked really poorly and he just needed to know how he could help.

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