Cheese Toasties ~ Luke

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Context: for this fic, Luke and Michael are in a relationship. Mike also does gaming streams.

Toasties = Grilled Cheese

Michael's Pov:

"Lukey? Are you awake?" I cooed as I poked my head round the bedroom door, mug in hand and three dogs hot on my ankles.

I could see my Sweet Boy curled up in bed, tissues scattered across the duvet, shivering in my big old hoodie. It was swimming on him but he still looked cold.

His bright blue eyes were visible beneath the darkness, he was awake.

I let myself in and the dogs immediately climbed onto the bed, I came over to Luke's side and put the mug down on the bedside table.

"How are you feeling, Baby?" I asked him as I pulled the hood down from his head, his nose was all red and chapped and his eyes were watery.

Luke had been developing cold and flu symptoms since last night, it was really getting to him now, my baby was definitely sick.

"Yucky." He pouted sadly before letting out a couple fat coughs.

I rubbed his back gently to ease him, once the coughing fit calmed down, little Southy jumped onto Luke's chest and curled up tightly.

"Pups OK?" He croaked out.

"The pups have been walked." I told him as I sat on the edge of the bed, stroking his fluffy hair.

"Fed and watered?" Luke replied through a mouthful of sniffles, poor thing had a stuffy nose. Even when he's sick his first concern, aside from me, was our dogs.

Petunia, Southy and Moose.

"And fed and watered, yes. I made you some tea." I smiled as I propped the back of his head up with a pillow.

"Danks, Mikey." Luke said with a weak smile as I handed him his drink.

Petunias snout leaned over and sniffed Luke's tea.

"Not for you, Tunia." I giggles as I gave her a good scratching behind the ears.

Luke was just so miserable, I felt so bad for him.

"I'm so sorry you're not feeling well during out time off." I said sympathetically as I picked up Moose, cradling her in my arms.

Any more dogs on Luke and his body may combust.

"But we can still enjoy ourselves, what do you want to do today? Anything you want." I told him, maybe it would cheer him up.

"Such tired, many nap." Luke simply said, whilst rubbing his eyes with his fists. He's adorable.

"If that's what you want." I giggled, kissing his forehead. He felt warm against my lips.

"Maybe after I take your temperature? You're hot, Lukey." I told him, cupping his cheeks in my hand, squishing them a little.

"Hot n sexy." He giggled.

"We'll let the thermometer decided that." I said as I got up from the bed, Moose jumped out of my arms and curled up on Luke's side with Petunia.

"I'm *cough cough* the dog King." Luke said as he hugged our small animal army.

Why did he have to be so damn cute?

I went to the bathroom and grabbed our thermometer and some cold and flu medicine while I was at it and brought it back to my boy.

He was practically falling asleep already.

"A couple more minutes, Baby. Then you can sleep all you want." I told him, turning the device on.

Luke held his mouth open and I slid the thermometer in his mouth, under his tongue, while we waited for the reading.

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