The Three Wankers ~ CALM

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Context: The injections/shots you had to get in Secondary school or High School hurt like a mother-fucker.

For this, Ashton isn't in school but everyone else his.

And for my American viewers:

Wank (verb) - To Masturbate : 'I've never been on the Internet and not ended up having a wank.'


"Alright, everyone needs to make their way to the sports hall for their injections now." Mrs Hemmings announced to the class.

Yes, it was Luke's mother but at school she was Mrs Hemmings to everyone else.

The collective groan of teenagers filled the halls as they all dragged their weary bones to go an get stabbed.

"Actually, I don't think I'd mind getting Meningitis. And Polio isn't that bad right?" Luke said as they too got up from their seats, himself, Calum and Michael.

But his Mum definitely heard him.

"You are getting those injections whether you like them or not, if you get Polio you may never play guitar again!" Liz said as she gave a stern warning to her son.

Luke felt all embarrassed now as the other teens in the class were giggling.

"Mate, I don't want to risk Polio fucking up your hands or anything. We need you." Michael said as he gave Luke the final punch on his shoulder.

"Language, Mr Clifford. That's your final warning." Liz said, in her teacher voice.

Now Michael was the one blushing.

"Sorry, Mrs H." He said before making a swift exit.

"I don't want to do this!" Calum moaned as he tossed his head back.

"Two injections too!" He continued as he held up two aggressive fingers, you could see the veins bulging.

"It's a bit excessive, don't you think?" Luke said, maybe talking would calm his nerves.

None of the boys particularly liked getting shots.

They don't even get their flu shots.

The trio hung out, waiting by the sports hall doors, one by one their classmates fell victim.

Someone was being dragged out by a P.E. teacher...passed out.

"Crikey." Michael shuddered.

"Who's going first?" Calum asked as he gave an awkward smile as he looked at each of his mates.

They turned away and pretended not to listen.

"I guess it's me." He mumbled.

Lucky Calum.

The boy sat in the hotseat.

"Have you eaten today?" The nurse asked him, they had a couple packets of biscuits to hand just incase.

"Yeah, I have." Calum replied, vegemite on toast obviously.

"Ok, you may get a headache later on so keep drinking water and paracetamol if needed." The nurse recommended as Calum rolled up his sleeves.

It was time.

"Ugh...that wasn't so bad." Calum winced, it hurt but not too bad.

He got banished to the sports benches to have a sit down.

Then it was Michael's turn.

"Shit bollocks...pardon my French." Mikey responded to the pain.

The nurse just giggled as they got Mike's records together, including a leaflet about the side effects.

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