Snuffle Bunny ~ Luke

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Some Muke content for you all <3


Luke's Pov:

I hate cancelling plans!

From me ⚘: Sorry Mikey! We're going to have to raincheck that date tonight. I'm sick in bed with the WORST cold 🤒

I typed out sadly as I burrowed under all my blankets feeling like actual shit. That little tickle in my throat from yesterday had taken a bad turn, now my head hurts, my throat is sore and my nose is completely stuffed up. I'm just all shivery, dizzy and snotty and feel terrible. But I felt even more terrible for having to cancel my date with my boyfriend Michael.

From Mikey 🍕: Oh yeah, forgot to tell you...that the runny nose thing that I had last week wasn't allergies afterall 😶

That little shit head! I knew it wasn't allergy season but that didn't stop me from kissing his infected nose. Then again he didn't stop me either.

From me ⚘: You're such an ass! You gave me your stupid disease!

From Mikey 🍕: My bad, Darling, I'm sorry.

From me ⚘: It's fine, I still love you though ❤ but can we go out another night? I really don't feel well.

"Ah-Achoo!" I sneeze into my hands which was the not my best idea...

"Eww!" I grimaced as I had to wipe my own mucus from my hands with a tissue, I felt disgusting! I couldn't go on a date like the Slimer from Ghostbusters!

From Mikey 🍕: Of course we can, Lukey, you just focus on getting better and I'll take you for a slap up dinner somewhere! Just the two of us ❤

From me ⚘: I'll look forward to that, Mikey 😘

From Mikey 🍕: Hey, do you want me to come over later? My calenders suddenly got an open vacancy seeing as we've rescheduled our date night. Only if you feel up to the company 😂

Mikey is so sweet, I would die for that boy. But I don't think he really wants to be hanging out with me when I'm in a sickly condition. I can get quite clingy and seeing snot run out of my nose isn't that attractive. And if I sneeze on him then it's game over! Divorce. And we're not even married.

From me ⚘: Are you sure? I look like a bag of crushed dicks right now!

From Mikey 🍕: Just my type 🤤

From me ⚘: You're an idiot 😂

From Mikey 🍕: Do you want me to come over or not, no hard feelings if you just want some privacy but that won't stop me from ordering you soup.

From me ⚘: I guess I could use some cuddles...and soup if you're offering.

From Mikey 🍕: It's a date 😉

I turn off my phone and hug my blankets close to my chest, excited to see him, just wanting to be held. My chest hurts for a moment, firstly because my heart was growing for this boy, and secondly because I was still very sick. I coughed harshly into the crook of my elbow and feel my entire body shake with it. Petunia was asleep at my feet only grunted, I love her but she can be a selfish bitch.

"Ughhh!" I groan as I feel my body relax from the contracting. I hate being poorly, and having colds sucked ass, especially bad ones like this. I sniffled and felt the pressure in my sinuses tighten which just aggravated my headache even more, why must everything be connected!

I find a comfortable sleeping position, dig my head into the pillow and hold the blankets close to my skin. Perhaps taking a nap would help? Being awake was exhausting me and my eyes hurt even with my glasses on. Sleep it is!

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