Scarlet Fever Tears ~ Luke

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Context: Liz is the Band Mum x


Liz's Pov:

It had gone midnight, and I was still awake trying to set my body clock to match those of teenage boys.

I sat up in my hotel room reading some books, I had drank a strong coffee so I was ready for a late night, there was definitely energy left in me to stay awake for at least another hour or two.

I could hear the laughter dying down in the boys room, they had a family suite but I opted for my own hotel room. Teenagers just stink like all the time. Privacy was nice.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door which woke me up from my reading trance. I was so engrossed within my novel that I almost forgot about the rest of the world.

"M-Mum." I heard my boy's soft voice call out from the other side.

I put the book down and answered the door to see Luke leaning weakly in the doorway.

He was wearing pyjama bottom and a big hoodie, his hair was flat and his little eyes were red and watery.

"Hi Baby, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" I said softly as I brought him close to my body, letting him hug me.

He nodded against my chest and I felt his body jerk as he started crying even more.

I closed my door and walked him over to my bed, I sat down with him and stroked his hair.

"Aww Lukey." I cooed as I tried rocking him a little to calm him down. He sniffled and looked up at me.

"I don't feel well." Luke croaked out through his tears.

Poor thing, breaking my heart!

"Sh-sh-sh, it's okay." I told him as I rubbed his back, I just needed him to calm down.

Once his breathing slowed down and he stopped sobbing I laid him down on my bed.

"What's the matter, Love?" I could ask him finally.

Luke curled up with my blanket, he just looked so sad, I felt terrible for him and I didn't even know what was wrong.

"F-Feel yucky and my throat hurts, mhm so tired." Luke mumbled sadly.

I thought that Luke was looking a bit pale earlier but I didn't think much of it, now I guess it had purpose.

"I'm so sorry, Sweet Boy." I whispered as I grazed my hand over his forehead, cupping his cheeks.

I could feel heat radiating from his body.

"You have a fever, Sweetie. Let me get you some medicine." I told him, knowing I always had medicine with me for travelling. I practically had a pharmacy in my luggage.

I even made sure to bring some calpol for Luke, sometimes taking pills make him gag. I didn't want that to happen.

"Here you go." I said as I sat down and poured the dosage onto a small teaspoon and fed it to him.

Once he took it, I laid down next to him on the bed and ran my hand through his hair to soothe him.

"Go to sleep, Lukey, maybe you'll feel better tomorrow." I told him, I knew he was exhausted and needed to rest.

Luke nodded slowly, nuzzling his face into my pillow, I kissed his forehead before getting comfortable myself.

I hope he feels better soon!

3rd Person:

Liz definitely didn't have a good night sleep, and she could only imagine that her son felt a whole lot worse.

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