Like Kate Middleton? ~ Luke

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This is a mpreg story with a Lashton ship.

Context: Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge and a Queen and I love her) had a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy.

Possible TW 🚨 (mentions of abortion)


The idea of being pregnant never sounded bad to Luke before, and he wouldn't trade the opportunity for the world to make a child with the love of his life Ashton, but by golly did he wish they just adopted and avoided the hell of Morning Sickness.

"Ash, I hate this so much!" He whimpered as he sat by the toilet as he waited for another bout of nausea to wash over him. It always did.

Ashton finally made it to the bathroom after cleaning up the bedroom as Luke unfortunately projectile barfed all over the bed. It wasn't his fault and he wasn't mad but Luke felt terribly embarrassed.

He hadn't made that much of a mess with his own sick since he was a child.

"I know, Sweet Boy." Ashton cooed softly as he sat behind his boyfriend, running his hand up and down his back just in time as Luke leaned over the toilet again to throw up.

"Aw Love." Ashton sighed sadly, he hadn't seen Luke so violently ill before he got pregnant. Luke was always a little snuffle bunny and mainly was prone to colds and stuff.

The poor boy threw up until there was nothing left inside of him, he was exhausted and didn't feel good at all.

"Think you can make it back to bed?" Ashton asked before planting a soft kiss on Luke's neck.

"B-But I made a mess?" Luke said, frowning and feeling ashamed.

"Don't worry, I cleaned it up." Ashton told him as he helped Luke to stand up, holding onto his waist to guide him back to the bedroom.

The smell of floral air freshener immediately hit Luke's nostrils and he felt sick all over again, gagging into a closed fist he turned his head away.

"What's wrong, Bubs?" Ashton asked.

"The smell...*gag* it's too strong." Luke said before doing a fast walk back to the toilet.

Now we could add 'air freshener' to the ever-growing list of smells that made Luke nauseous. Air freshener was up there with garlic and Michael's hair dye!

Ashton immediately opened all the windows to air out the room and turned on a fan to make to make sure the smell goes away. Once the room smelt of nothing again Ash went to find his boyfriend again, he was kneeling in front of the toilet again, just spitting.

"You ok, Penguin?" He asks, Luke shakes his head, poor thing felt so nauseous but his tummy was empty. Barfing was painful.

"When this baby comes out I'm going to smack its bottom!" Luke groaned, obviously he was joking, he didn't believe in hitting children under any circumstances!

But Mama Liz probably smacked Luke's bottom before.

"Yeah, our baby is so rude. We need to teach it some manners!" Ashton giggled before seeing how Luke was slowly folding to take the shape on the toilet he was so sleepy.

"The bedroom doesn't smell of roses anymore if you want to lie down?" Ashton suggested, Luke nodded again. Bed was always a lot softer.

He would probably vomit again today, might as well do it in the confines of a comfy bed.

Luke crawled into bed, the sheets were changed and felt cold and crisp which was refreshing after getting sick all morning, his body felt so tired and weak.

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