Out of my System ~ Michael

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Context: This is a Malum ship one x


📍 Calum's Apartment

Michael and Calum were snuggled up together under a blanket, the blonde haired boy sat in between his boyfriend's legs and leaning against his chest so he could nuzzle his face into Calum's warm neck. Michael had been staying over the last two nights at Calum's place for the very first time which made him a little nervous but his gorgeous boy helped him feel right at home.

"I love you, Mikey." Calum mumbled into his hair which gave the boy a warm feeling in his tummy. This must be what love feels like.

"I love you too, Cal." Michael replied as he looked up at him before they pecked lips. Mike laid his head back down on and cuddled up tighter.

Ain't that the cutest thing you ever did see?


Secretly, Michael wanted nothing more than to go home. Not for the reasons you may think, he loves spending time with Calum but there was something that ruined the experience. He hadn't gone to the bathroom for the two whole days he had been staying over. Except to pee.

Poor Mikey had such a bad stomach-ache that he just wanted to be left alone to just shit and get on with his day but he didn't want to tell Calum. It was too embarrassing for him. So instead he clenched his exit hole and suffered in silence as they watched a romatic movie together.

"Hey Mikeyyy?" Calum sang softly into his ear, the boy had low-key zoned out and focusing on not letting the pain spread across his face.

"Yeah, Cal?" Michael replied.

"I have a great idea." He giggles excitedly. Michael puts on a brave face despite his pain and tries to act just as excited.

"I haven't got any plans tomorrow so how about you stay over again tonight?" Calum suggests with a big smile on his face and Michael panics a little. His tummy hurt.

"Um..." He says as he thinks about his response, he doesn't want to upset Calum especially when he's being so sweet.

"Sure." Michael reluctantly replies but Calum raises his eyebrows.

"You don't sound sure, is everything OK?" Calum asks as he sits up slightly, running a hand through Michael's hair. Mike rubs his arms nervously and looks down at his crossed legs, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"I-I'm..." Michael stutters a little.


"I'm just not feeling so good." Michael tells him as Calum sighs empathetically.

"Aww Mikey, why didn't you say so? What's the matter?" Calum asks concerned as he reaches out to feel Michael's forehead which is actually a normally temperature but he wanted to make sure.

"Tummy hurts." He mumbles sadly, Calum pulls Mike into a hug and snakes his hand down onto his soft belly and rubs gently to try and ease the pain. Michael finds the gesture comforting and he could feel his soul turn gooey because Calum was just so sweet to him, but at the same time he felt insecure with how bloated his tummy was right now. Luckily, Cal had a gentle touch.

"Aww, I'm sorry Baby. You can stay here and I'll look after you." Calum tells him as he kisses the top his his head.

"B-But-" Michael says shyly.

"But what?" Calum asked. Michael's face just goes red as he doesn't want to admit the real reason why he wants to go home.

"You're all tense, Love. What's bugging you?" He says as he runs his hand over Mike's arm.

"I haven't gone for a poo in like...two days. Give or take." Michael admitsas his boyfriend's eyes widen with panic.

"What! Why? Go now!" Calum encourages him as he knows that it definitely isn't healthy, no wonder Michael has a tummy-ache.

"I-I can't. I've held it in too long." Michael trys to laugh off but laughing hurt his stomach, he wrapped his arms around his torso and whimpers a little.

"Baby, don't hold in your shit. That's not healthy. Physical or Mental" Calum told him. Calum had a motto for life, take care of your guts and minds.

"But it's disgusting!" Michael whined as his argument in the situation, he was more embarrassed that he hadn't gone to dump his load now.

"Mikey, I've gone for at least five poos since you've been here! If you have to go then go, don't give yourself a tummy-ache." Calum tells him and Michael is blushing.

"I have a weird mental block about pooing at someone else's house." Michael giggled.

"Remember that first sleepover we had at Luke's House and I went home early, didn't even spend the night?" He recalls a story and Calum thinks back.

"That's because I really needed a poo but I just couldn't use his family toilet." Michael admits to him, Calum sees everything falling into place.

"You know I have a guest bathroom right?" Calum tells him which is a very useful nugget of information which he could have used earlier.

"You do?" Michael asked curiously...that changes things.

"And literally no one has used it, not even me! So that can be your bathroom, Mikey, and you can use it whenever you want." Calum told him, that might as well been their wedding vows as Michael had never felt so romanced in all his life.

"Really?" Michael asked with the biggest smile on his face ever.

"Really!" Calum confirmed, signed sealed delivered with a kiss.

Now that is the sweetest thing you ever did see!

"Do you want a banana, Love?" Calum giggles and Michael nods.

After a couple pieces of fruit and a strong coffee, Michael finally feels like he could probably use the toilet, he doesn't even tell Calum that he needs to go. He just goes like a pro!

And let me tell you, it was the most satisfying shit of Michael's life!

He washed his hands can walked back to the couch where Calum was waiting patiently for him.

"I guess I could stay another night." Michael replied with genuine emotion to the previous question that caused him to spill his guts about his toilet troubles.

Calum just smiles and opens up the blanket to invite him into his embrace, he laid his precious head against his chest and cuddled tight. Michael definitely felt a lot better now.

"Should we order some curry from that Indian restaurant that you like?" Calum suggests.

"Babe, I've only just brought myself to shit in your house. If I eat a curry I will not stop shitting!" Michael warns him.

"Pizza it is then!"


Hope you like this ship one!

Btw, I am planning on writing a few sickfics with fictional 5sos children which you can request too, let me know the ship (or real life relationship) and the amount of children, names, ages etc. Or you can request with the characters I've already made up like Andie, Luna and Eddie.

But as always, leave requests in the comments and tell your friends.

Love you betches xx

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