Cocktail Yaks! ~ CALM

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Context: watch Cocktail Chats, they get pretty drunk.


Ashton's Pov:

We somehow managed to summon a party during Cocktail Chats to celebrate our album Youngblood.

It got messy!

I woke up feeling quite rough, burping all over the place on the verge of spewing, head pounding as I used my head as a drum for an entire concert set.

At least I was in my bed.

I heard Calum slept on the front porch...I hope he had a fun night.

I stumbled to the kitchen, Dolly Parton style, to grab some cold water from the fridge and maybe some strong coffee.

I saw Luke leaning over the sink just straight up puking his guts up, holding himself up with just his elbow strength as his big long legs laid lifeless. Wow, alliteration! I truly am a wordsmith of sorts.

"You fucking giraffe!" I said, ignoring him for a minute as I put the coffee on.

"HuhhhEUGH!" Luke wretched violently over the sink.

"Seriously mate, can you not puke into that. I wash dishes in there, they're gonna smell like sick for weeks." I asked him.

He ended up just dry heaving but he was dribbling so much, he turned to look at me.

"M-Mikeys in the bathroom still." Luke panted as he caught his breath, turning on the taps to wash the puke away that was already there.

"Do you want a bowl?" I asked him, thinking of other receptacles.

When I was growing up, you had a big tupperware bowl for the family to throw up in. Then you'd be eating popcorn out of it the following week.

Luke wiped his sickly mouth on the back of his hand as he nodded.

"I wish I had one." I told him.

Sadly I didn't own my own tupperware bowl.

"Just give me something to throw up into, please!" Luke said kind of desperately, I forgot my aching head for a second and sprang to life and scanned my cupboards for a receptacle.

A crock pot!

I handed it to my friend before he wretched again and vomited rainbow puke into the slow cooker.

Once he came back to reality of what he had just done, he looked shocked and guilty.

"Oh my god, Ash. I'm so sorry!" Luke apologied.

"It's fine, Luke. I don't use it." I insisted.

"B-But it was a housewarming present from your Mum?" Luke said, sounding so distraught.

"Did she seriously expect me to be making casseroles? I hate casseroles!" I told him, it wouldn't be used for anything else.

"Why don't you sit your ass down on the couch and get some sleep? You look like you haven't slept." I told him, he looked terrible.

He had purple bags under his eyes and everything gross...I don't think I've ever seen him look so unattractive.

I finished making myself a strong espresso, maybe that would breath some life into me.

I felt the coffee fall into the pit of my stomach which caused it to start rumbling and I honestly couldn't tell if I was just hungry or if I needed to throw up. Either way it was painful.

"Oh you cunt!" I hissed as I clutched my abdomen.

Maybe I should take some Pepto Bismol just to be save, I didn't want to shit myself either.

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