I'm Always Spicy ~ Malum

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Context: if you've read my Mother Knows Best chapter you will see how I convey Luke's anxiety, it resurfaces in this chapter.

On a random note, I had my booster jab today...thought you guys should know 😊

Luke stood in the kitchenette on the Gus Bus, waiting for the kettle to boil, hot water bottle in hand and his favourite mug with a herbal tea blend.

Period? Nope, pre-show anxiety.

They were performing in a new city today, and as exciting as that was, it made Luke a little nervous...a lot nervous actually.

The boy had gotten better at managing it but sometimes it got the better of him, luckily Luke had a routine to make him feel better.

He could feel a tummy-ache coming on for a good hour now so it was time to take action, this firstly included taking a dose of anxiety medication (which he took as needed), now it was time to relax before the show later.

"What's up, Luke?" Ashton asked as he came out of the bathroom, freshening up. He was in a good mood, unlike Luke.

Luke just held his hot water bottle to his stomach and frowned.

"Aww, nervey tummy?" He asked, Luke nodded.

"I'm sorry, Mate. Do you want anything?" Ash said sympathetically, giving his little bro a hug.

"No, I'll be ok. I'm just going to lie down for an hour." Luke replied.

He normally feels a lot better with a bit of self-care.

"Me and the boys were going to have an early dinner, but we can wait for you if you want?" Ashton suggested, they didn't want Luke to miss out on all the fun.

"Don't let me stop you, I'll just eat after the show when I feel better." Luke told him.

"Alright mate, take care of yourself." Ashton replied as he gave Luke a light slap on the ass towards the bunks, he took his tea with him.

Luke got all comfy in bed, enjoying the few hours he had to himself, the warmth of the hot water soothed his tummy pains and the tea calmed him down. A good sign things were improving.

Michael and Calum finished their video game before meeting Ashton in the kitchenette.

"Hey Zombie Slayers! You guys want din dins?" Ashton joked.

"Yeah, I'm ready for dinner. I'm starving." Michael replied as he put a cap on his head, going a bit incognito.

"Me too, is Luke almost ready?" Calum asked, unaware of the situation.

"Not exactly, he's got another tummy-ache so he's just going to rest here for a bit." Ashton told them, they both understood.

"Poor lad, he'll be better for tonight." Michael said, they knew that he just needed some space.

"Anyways, let's eat!" Calum said as he opened the door.

Adventure awaits.

Ashton's Pov:

It was sad that Luke couldn't join us for dinner, anxiety can be a bitch sometimes, I understand how he feels.

In other news, we found a nice little restaurant in the city that was kinda like a pub style, it was cool.

And they had spaghetti on the menu, yes please.

"Michael, you wanna share chicken wings?" Calum asked our buddy.

"The extra spicy wings?" Mike suggested, I guess he was in the spicy mood.

By extra spicy, they meant like 'Da Bomb' levels of spicy.

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