Halloween Hangover ~ Cake

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Lollies = Candy

A little short one for Halloween x


November 1st!

Luke rolled over onto his side, intertwined his leg with Calum's and rested his head on his chest. They had spent the previous evening together at a costume party, an alcohol free one I might add, but they both woke up feeling rough.

"Caluuum." He whined, Calum woke up and groaned from the pain in his head. After the got home from the party they just went straight to bed, that was the benefit of wearing onesies to a costume party. Luke was Dorothy the Dinosaur and Calum was Wags the Dog from The Wiggles.

"I think I ate too many lollies last night." Luke sighed as he cuddled closer into his boyfriend, just wanting to be comforted. Calum just patted Luke's back gently as he felt like shit.

"I told you to slow down." Calum sighed and closed his eyes tight, he had the worst headache in the entire world. Probably worse than a hangover headache too, he didn't think that was possible.

"But it tasted so good!" Luke whimpered, he couldn't tell if he regretted his decision to eat his weight in various treats, chocolate, and sweets because he's always wanted to eat nothing but lollies for an entire day. He was a grown up after all. But even Calum could hear Luke's tummy gurgling painfully.

"Please don't throw up on me, Babe." Calum warned him, slightly pushing his boyfriend away from him because he didn't want to be puked on.

"I don't need to throw up." Luke told him and just cuddled closer again, Calum knew that Luke didn't feel good as he was being ultra clingy today.

"My tummy just hurts bad." He whimpered sadly, flashed Calum his puppy dog eyes.

"Want me to rub?" Calum sighed and took the hint to rub his boyfriend's soft aching tummy to make him feel better. Luke sighs and relaxes into his touch, Cal feels how messed up Luke's stomach is from a surplus of sugar,

"No more candy for you! I'll make broccoli for dinner." Calum giggled as he suddenly craved green vegetables, Luke smiled and nodded.

"Broccoli is good." He agreed, nuzzling his face into the crook of Cal's neck.

"I only had couple fun size chocolates but my head feels fucked up." Calum groaned as he felt the headache swell up, seriously considering taking some advil. Perhaps whilst he's at it he could pump Luke's stomach.

"Were they chocolate liqueurs?" Luke wondered but he didn't think so.

"Unless they were boozey twix bars, then I don't think so." He replied.

Calum was still rubbing Luke's tummy, massaging a little deeper, the younger boy suddenly burped and put his face fist to his mouth. Calum leaned back from his own boyfriend.

"Luke...you good?" Cal said worriedly.

He swallowed loudly and stuck out his tongue.

"Ew...sour gummies and chocolate do not mix." Luke confirmed as it left a rotten taste in his mouth. Calum wants to laugh but his head hurts too much so he just smiles.

"I'm going to get some medicine for my headache, want some?" He offered Luke as he sits up in bed, his boyfriend slivers under the covers like the sick little snake he was.

"I wanna pop those pills like skittles." Luke giggled, Calum leaned over and kissed him on his lips. Not going to lie, he could taste the sour gummies he accidentally threw up into his mouth and swallowed back down.

"I can taste the rainbow 🌈."

Luke's Pov:

I laid down on the couch with a hot water bottle to try and help my tummy-ache. Feeling pretty embarrassed that I'm feeling so sick after eating so many lollies and sweet treats that gave me a happy tongue, fizzy blood and apparently a hangover.

"Feeling better?" Calum asked me as he flopped dramatically down next to me.

"Whoever said that 'dessert stomach' was a real thing was lying." I pouted sadly, he pulled me in tight, resting his giant hand on my bare tummy.

"Your stomach's really warm." He giggled and rubbed gently. I feel myself blush and I hide my face into his chest.

"How's your head?" I ask him since Calum's been for a long shower and was dressed in casual clothes. I was still in my Dorothy the Dinosaur onesie from last night.

"Better, I just drank loads of water and had some advil. How's your tummy?" Calum replied, I was happy he felt better. But just at that moment my belly gurgled loudly and I burp a little bit, kinda like when you drink a Coca-Cola too quickly.

"Fizzy." I replied. Calum giggles sweetly and holds the hot water bottle close to my skin. We cuddle together on the couch for a couple minutes and I get all sleepy, I close my eyes and just doze for a little bit before I feel Calum's lips on my forehead.

"Want some vegetables when you wake up?" Calum asks me, I smile and nod slightly.

"Yes please."

⏰ Dinner Time ⏰

"More brocoli for you!" Calum says as we sit at the table with a spread of different vegetables. He serves me another big spoonful of baby trees.

"Thanks Baby." I tell him as I nibble on a carrot. It's raw, peeled and I'm eating it like Bugs Bunny.

"And some cucumber and capsicum batons." Calum says to himself as he serves me some more veggies.


We just munched away on our health fuelled dinner to counteract the sweets binge the day before. I felt so much better.

"Never let me eat so many lollies ever again." I told him, the minute the taste of sugar is in my mouth I can't stop myself.

Remember, you can have too much of a good thing! Eat your vegetables.


Happy Halloween Betches 🎃

Only a shortie because I'm writing a big one which will be listed a chapter before this one when it's published. You're going to love it!

Leave requests in the comments and tell your friends xx

5SOS Sickfics Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora