Chapter 1: A night gone wrong

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Anna's POV

We rushed Jack and Elsa to the hospital. They were immediately sent to the emergency ward. We were all outside the ward waiting anxiously. The flashback of what happened back at the dance came to me non stop.


"Let's go see Elsa and Jack. I wonder what they're doing." Eugene suggested.

"Making out?" I chuckled.

We were all ready to go when Punzie said she had to go to the ladies. Eugene offered to wait for her while the rest of us went out to see Jack and Elsa. The moment we went out, I heard a very loud car engine. I turned around and I saw a black car, heading towards Jack! "AHHHHH!" Jack's blood curling scream echoed through. The car immediately crashed into Jack. "JACK!" All of us said in the same time.

We rushed to him. I took a look at the car, surprised to see it still driving super fast, and it's heading towards a brick wall. BAM! The car crashed into the wall and it finally stopped. I turned back to Jack, then I heard something else crashing loudly. I turned to my left then I saw Elsa lying down motionless, with a smashed flower pot beside her, all smashed into pieces. "ELSA!" I called loudly. Her head was swarming with blood. "Holy cow, we gotta get them both to the hospital right now! Jack's whole body is full of blood!" Merida said as she quickly took her phone out and dialed. "Punzie! Your hair- Oh darn it! She went to the restroom!" Hiccup yelled.

"What abut the driver?!" I said in horror. "I'm gonna have a word with that no good driver!" I snapped. I stormed towards the crashed car, I wonder how badly the driver got hurt. I looked into the driver's seat, only to be surprised that there was NO ONE there! I kept my eye on the car went we went to Jack and Elsa, and I'm very very sure that no one got out of the car! The moon shined brightly, helping me to see. Sure enough, there was no one in the car!

I ran back to the rest, "There was nobody in the car!" I yelled. "What?!" Kristoff said. We then heard the sound of the ambulance arriving. They immediately came running with their stretchers and they carried Jack and Elsa into the ambulance.

"What's going on?" Punzie came, panting.

"Well, fancy you coming at this time!" Hiccup scoffed.

"What happened?! Why is the ambulance here?" Eugene looked around in panic.

"I wish you could have come earlier! You could have healed them before it was too late!" Merida shouted.

"Heal who?!" Punzie asked.

"Jack got banged by a car and Elsa got hit in the head by a flower pot! Do you have any idea how much blood there was?!" I answered with fury.

"Uh... Kids?" Someone tapped my shoulder.

"WHAT?!" We all said at the same time causing the driver to be shocked.

"Well, we can't fit you all in the ambulance to send to the hospital, you kids got your own car?" The driver asked and we nodded. He then went into the ambulance and drove off.

"So uh... Where are the police?" Hiccup tried to calm everyone down.

"I don't know! They should be coming soon." Merida said.

"Forget the police! We gotta get to that hospital!" I shouted.

We all quickly went to our cars and me and Kristoff went with Hiccup and Merida. I hurriedly called mom and dad. I could hear mom crying over the phone. They said they would come as soon as possible but they were stuck in a jam. Merida then called Jack's parents.

Jelsa/The Big Six in College (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant