CHAPTER 80: Leaving Beacon Hills Behind

Start from the beginning

Bella shook her head as she crossed her arms "I just wish I could believe you."

Peter scoffed "Does my heartbeat not prove that I am telling you the truth?"

"It'll take more than your heartbeat to prove it." Bella argued "I've listened to your heartbeat before. Now I cannot tell the difference between what you say is a lie or a truth. Most of the time, all I got was half of the truth. You want to convince me? Prove to me that you are telling the truth."

Peter raised his eyebrow "And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Act on it. Don't use words. At this point, words mean nothing. I don't even know if I can ever trust you again."

Peter looked directly at Bella, right into her eyes. Her piercing blue eyes were just like his. He could see it. Her eyes were filled with pain and anger. He could see that she did not trust him. After all, how could she? He hasn't exactly been father of the year. Peter hasn't even been that great of a father to Bella but he tried. And most of those times, he had failed. Peter didn't remember anything good happening between them since before the fire. Now look at both of them.

"Then maybe what we both need is a fresh start." Peter suggested

"We already tried that."

"We'd leave Beacon Hills."

"Oh yeah. You made a promise a long time ago that we'd leave." Bella said sarcastically "Never happened!"

"I mean it this time." Peter said

"What's to stop either one of us from coming back soon after we'd leave?"

"Well, Beacon Hills is a beacon to the supernatural so it's bound to happen." Peter said "But Beacon Hills is also where you were born. Where our family is from. There are a lot of reasons for us to come back even after we leave."

"And how long would we even manage to stay away? I bet you that it wouldn't last a week or a month!"

"You wanna bet? Fine, we can do that."

'What?" Bella scrunched her face in confusion

"You heard me."

Bella was packing up whatever belongings she had on her back at Peter's apartment. A long time ago, Peter made her a promise and now he is fulfilling that promise. She thinks. They were leaving Beacon Hills. And neither of them know if or when they would be coming back. 

Scott and his pack of friends were leaving for college as they graduated their senior year of Beacon Hills High School. Everyone was going  their own separate ways for the time being and now it was time for Bella and Peter to do the same. If anything, Peter was glad to finally get out of Beacon Hills. Bella was scared. No matter how much she wants it, she's never left the only place she has called home. But she's never really had much of a place to call home.

Things were still a little awkward between her and Peter. With Bella still packing her things, Peter came into her room. "Mind if I come in?"

Bella silently nods before turning back to continue packing. Peter sat down at the edge of her bed. There was an awkward silence between them for a few moments until Peter broke the tension.

"I'm glad we're getting a second chance." he says

"Don't you mean the third chance?" Bella said sarcastically "Or is it the fourth? Hard to keep track. I mean, how many chances have we had to make things right?"

"Touche." Peter nods

By the afternoon, Peter and Bella loaded up the car.

"Where to?" Bella asked as she got in the passenger seat

"Wherever you like." Peter replied

"It's up to me?"

"Your choice, kiddo." Peter said looking over at his daughter

Bella thought about it for a moment. "How about we just drive? See where the road takes us."

After several hours, Bella was honestly starting to question herself on why the Hell she had agreed to this road trip.

Peter had chosen to play old eighties music that he was singing along to the songs. Her headphones could only block out so much, even with the volume all the way up.

She was pretty sure she would end up slightly or full on deaf now thanks to the high volume.

"Can you please shut that off!?"

Rolling down the volume so that he could be heard without having to shout, Peter looked towards her with a smile on his face. "Now sweetheart, let's not be a buzzkill okay? These tunes and the sing-alongs are a great bonding experience for us, my little pup."

"Dad!" Moaned Bella in embarrassment

Peter just chuckled at his little girl's embarrassment. "Ahh... This is life. I got my wonderful daughter, I got this car, some great tunes, and nobody wanted to kill me because of a few outright horrible choices I made when I was less than sane. Perfection."

Bella rolled her eyes.

"Besides dear daughter of mine, this is a chance to redeem our father daughter relationship."

She let out a sigh "Got anything better to listen to?"


Bella let her thoughts drift off. Thoughts that made her wonder what her life was going to be like coming up.

Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time then started to play and Peter cheered in excitement as he quickly rolled the volume up and started to sing along to the song.

"I'm in Hell." Bella moaned as Peter laughed and she tried to block out the singing with her own music.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now